💌 DM To DF | What I Really Want? 🤔

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💌 DM To DF | What I Really Want? 🤔

#divinemasculine #divinefeminine #divinemasculinevoices #dm #df #dmtodf #divine masculine

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Babe that's sweet and the most important thing in any relationship is to hear and to be heard which in it's own essencecreats Peace.


When I hear you I hear myself.... I most definitely rubbed off on you we most definitely mirror one another other ...♥️💕♥️💕♥️💕 I’m so proud of you my babe.. years later who knew you’d sound like me omg ... I think I’ve adapted some of yours ways NO I know I have!


DM, I told you I fall in love with you over and over again everyday....my love you have grown up so much and be proud of YOURSELF!! You deserve all these things in your life b/c they are the basic needs of one's life or they should be. This is what helps make relationships grow into beautiful one's forever like us


My love, you are all I want. I cannot trade the new you for anything. I thank God for us. I feel blessed. Thank you for all you do. I feel you everywhere. You have captured my soul


There is nothing difficult in being real, in being your divinely you. Being a divine soul is the most beautiful thing there is...❤️🙏❤️


Thank you love ♥️💕😘😘 😘😘😘♥️💕 I told you what I be going through here... love you the mostest... will see you soon love ♥️💕


Mutual and heart to heart sharing always. No one knows you, anybody else. Trust your heart and follow your spirit. Guiding you home, and comfort zone.


Mijn allerliefste schat!! Ik kan jiu vrede geven, omdat ik altijd vrede voel in mijn lichaam. Ik luister altijd naar jou want ik vind het belangrijk dat jij jezelf gehoord voelt. Ik hou ontzettend veel van jou en ben heel trots op jiu en ik respecteer jou heel erg! Lieve schat ik houd ontzettend veel van jou maar ik ben bang dat jij vaak tegen mij liegt want dat zou ik heel erg vinden!! Aub lieg niet tegen mij want de enige die ik wil ben JIJ!!


I understand jwd... and I listen to you.. I cherish you and I will respect you.. you got me...


Wow, just subscribed, that was so beautiful and heartfelt, love this.


We are on exactly the same page and you articulated it eloquently
That's really the definition of LOVE. That's why I've stayed single so long. There wasn't one other man that I thought I could have that with that I spent time with. 🙂😘💕🙏❤


Well when I go home, I feel at home.If you want to be loved and cherished, you have to love and cherish her too.


Mijn allerliefste schat! Dat geldt voor mij precies hetzelfde, jij bent ook precies wat ik wil. Ik herken alles in jiu bericht. Ik voel mij ook thuis bij jou, ik voel me ook geliefd en gehoord en gewaardeerd door jou. Jij bent mijn alles. Maar ji ga ik slapen lieve schat. Ik hou zoveel van jou, tot morgen lieve schat. Slaap lekker, i love you forever xxxx


Thank you for your voice 🔥. I’m waiting for mine and learning more about how men think and what they really want. Blessings 🔥🔥🙏
I saved and subscribed. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁


I think most guys want peace and a feeling of home.


Peace is a good chemistry to have it is a smooth feeling!! Yes I would get u cards out of no where it would remind OF our relationship, !! If you want me I come with so many changes if you can handle that then u got me!! Your changes I already know about I GOT U!! ALWAYS WILL HAVE!! GOD BLESS US!!


Thank you masculine reader, good, job!!


I respect you to be honest more than you do to your self


I understand what you say, and this is the base of true and good relationship, that we care and respect each other, thanks for your good feeling and appreciation for me, really I want 😊 this "Thanks for everything ")


You had me at hello!! You had me with your deep thoughts and decisions you actually wrote this s*** down. You had me when you express everything that you wanted and you told me that I gave it to you. I'm telling you I'm not a fake person, I am all hearts!!! And I keep on falling deeply, uncontrollably, in love with you. I think you are an amazing person. I think you are very creative and very smart. I love that s***. And the main reason why I love you is that you're a romantic just like me. I love romance, I get off on your words, and your expressions. Boy, I worry about you. I want to know if you safe. Because, when I come home I want to see you. Also my family. You make me feel so good with your poetry. You have healed me, completely.
