Most Painful Things a Human Can Experience #4

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Pain is part of life and it comes in many different forms! Today we're counting down some of the most painful things a human can experience, but in this episode, we're focusing on the pain that comes from inside the body. What horrible things are in store? Check out today's epic new video to find out all the ways your body can hurt you!



All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.

As someone living with Sickle Cell Disease, I can vouch for how extremely painful and dangerous it can be. Thanks to The Infographics Show for spreading more awareness.


My appendix ruptured when I was 4 years old, my Dad rushed me to the hospital and was immediately told by the surgeon that if he had waited 15 more minutes to bring me to hospital, I would have already been dead and as it was, I only had a 50% chance of surviving the surgery. Obviously I did survive, thanks to my dear Dad. Rest In Peace Dad, I love and miss you so very much! 😓


“If you’re wealthy enough to go to the emergency room” that’s one of the most American sentences ever


"We've saved you from heart attack sir. Here's your bill."

* Sees the bill. Dies.


My fear of the dentist lead to almost 12 years of the most agonising pain a human can feel. Nothing compares to tooth decay.


Stubbing your toe and feeling that sensation of no pain for 0.43 seconds.


My appendix ruptured when I was 19 years old and can confirm it was AWFUL. I had been feeling generally unwell with a mild fever and fatigue and headaches for a few days, but thought it was just a cold or other virus. It started to progress to almost flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, worse headaches, and what I would describe as muscle aches and pains all over my stomach area, sides, and lower back. I took Tylenol and assumed it would pass on its own. Then one morning, I woke up and was in pretty bad pain specifically in the right side of my lower abdomen area and when I told my parents, my mom assured me it was just a bad period. But this was just SO different and my period had passed a few weeks prior. I went to the ER and the doctor originally suspected a kidney infection or a UTI that was becoming a kidney infection. He soon started pressing on my stomach area and my sides to examine and figure out what was happening. He pressed down pretty firmly on my right lower abdomen, and I SCREAMED and began crying. The pain felt incredibly sudden, sharp, almost a burning or searing pain. They quickly arranged for an ultrasound. My already extremely inflamed appendix had burst inside of me (I assume from the pressure of the examination.) Within 40 minutes, I was started on painkillers, IV antibiotics, and rushed into emergency surgery for them to remove the appendix and clean out my abdomen of all the fluids from the appendix. It was a terrible experience but I’m honestly glad it had burst in the ER and under the immediate care of a doctor and not while I was at work or driving or something. People, listen to your body. Your body does not give you these signals for no reason!


I’m so glad you put sickle cell on this list there are not enough people that know about it and know how horrible it can truly get for us I’m really happy people are starting to recognize how serious of a problem it is!


"the pain only last for few minutes" :D
"Because you'll be dead afterwards" D:


Lol when he said if you don’t move your shoulder in long period of time I started moving my shoulders 😂


The most painful thing I have suffered was pancreatitis, losing two thirds of my pancreas. Thank goodness for the doctors & nurses that cared for me at The London Hospital in Whitechapel. You saved my life and for that you have mine and my family's thanks.


As someone who has had appendicitis and gotten his appendix removed, I can say that it is the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m just glad we got it early. Others in my family haven’t been so fortunate and got really sick from their ruptured appendices


but stepping on a lego brick is at the top of the list right


Not so fun fact: Some women think appendicitis are period cramps and ignore it because of that


My hard labour was so bad that I truly believed there was something wrong and that everything from the waist down was coming off! Now thats pain!


That’s weird, I don’t see heartbreak on this list :(


I got shot in the neck. The pain still wakes me up at night even though I feel no physical pain


My dad died of appendicitis, and it breaks my heart to know he died in so much pain. He was truly so terrified of the doctor, he just laid in bed hoping to recover miraculously. I wish I had done more to comfort him. I’m not sure what else I could have done.


*Heart attacks are one of the most painful things ever!*
Women, who's period cramps can be as painful as a heart attack: Wow, I must be strong.


My cousin has sickle cell DISEASE, asthma, insomnia, he’s currently over 11 and is a warrior.
