Ex Said Maybe to Meeting Up
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What does it mean if your ex said maybe to meeting up with you?
Why can't they just give you a straight answer one way or the other?
The truth is that your ex is struggling with mixed emotions if they said this to you. There is a part of them that wants to meet up with you and feel close to you again. There is also the part of them that remembers why the two of you broke up.
And this emotional tug-of-war is causing them to say maybe to meeting up. Part of them wants to say yes, part of them wants to say no. Combine these two together and you get a maybe.
Understand, however, that this is an emotional issue with your ex. If you're going to get your ex to say yes to meeting up, you have to understand their emotions.
When you can speak to your ex's emotions and show them that you understand and relate to how they feel, they are much more likely to open up and be interested in meeting up with you.