Just started the video and had to comment- my children and I all have mitochondrial disease (along with multiple autoimmune diseases, the connections between which have started being elucidated with recent research).
When my oldest started kindergarten, I met with the school principal and nurse to talk about his needs. He asked me to put together a presentation that explains mitochondrial disease- and its impact on our family- for all staff members who would interact with my son. It went so well that I got asked to do it again the next year....and the next...
Now my son is in 11th grade and my daughter is in 9th, and I'm still being asked to give my talk every September. It helps a lot, especially for my daughter, whose disabilities are largely invisible (her brother has a wheelchair and other visible needs).
Anyway, my PowerPoint slides begin with the phone analogy, and I've enjoyed seeing the realization dawn on staff members when they considered what life is like when your battery can't charge above 10%. I'm feeling very validated that you're a professional mitochondrial researcher using the same analogy, and I'm looking forward to following your work!
It’s truly amazing how complex and beautiful the human body God has made!
I just came across this topic, and no one so far has defined mitochondrial health so eloquently. I reached a similar understanding many years ago, recognizing the gap in mainstream medicine's comprehension of the importance of energy. I work with modalities like light and electricity to charge up mitochondria and enhance healing. Thank you for such an excellent presentation. You are truly a pioneer!
I expect he writes a book soon, it would be very interesting!
Great presentation, Picard! Great analogy with the phones, as well. Thanks for all you do to further our understanding of the magic of mitochondria!
unbelievable sharing of beautiful information
What's the best diet for mitochondrial health? I heard that ketogenic diet is good for mitochondria biogenesis
A great TEDx Nice one Martin Picard 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
( it would have been nice (unless I missed it) to hear reference to the work of Douglas Wallace, a pioneer in the field of human mitochondrial DNA.)