Let's Play Homeworld Remastered - Mission 3 - Return to Kharak

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Still haunting.
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"The Subject did not survive interrogation." That torture device from Cataclysm comes to mind...


They implemented the specific ship class caps, similar to in Homeworld 2.

However, you can still CAPTURE ships above the cap. I've seen people do it. So, no worries there.

(Although, massive fleets will give you massive difficulty hikes. Remember THAT feature. Ugh.)


It's hilarious that they couldn't scale the UI to a more manageable point between sizes 1 & 2. Homeworld 2's UI interface in general is clunky & takes up rather too much space for what's it's giving out. The difference between it and the UI in the original Homeworld was that the Homeworld one was both functional while being minimal in design. The screens didn't come up until you needed them and possibly was quite a bit swifter in design than using a standard taskbar. Also being able to close the screens with a tap of the C key was excellent and Homeworld 2 didn't have that without rebinding the keys as the set bindings and design was not sorted to be the best. 

Actually regarding there being only 2 Assault frigates at that point in the game probably has more to do with your numbers of ships than anything. Remember that this runs on the Homeworld 2 engine and mechanics and that comes with the scaling difficulty of Homeworld 2 which was completely different from the type of scaling difficulty that was present in Homeworld 1. 

Notice also you didn't get to keep at least 1 of the 2 frigates like in the past game? 

You need to pay more attention, I've already explained several times that you'll lose more ships under the RNG system than you ever would have under the physics based because by the laws of the engine they are easier to kill and are operating on a swarm and throw away system. That's why Homeworld 2 made strike craft and corvettes in squads. 

Keep in mind what I told you about how 3D space needs to be taken into account with ships & how much their respective gun turrents can be brought to bear at times. Compared to Homeworld 2 Corvettes which had gun turrets that could turn 360* while aiming at enemies around them and because of the way the flight patterns and A.I. path system works in Homeworld 2, it favored turrets more that could orient in an all encompassing spectrum because of the way the ships flew in space. 

Let's take the Kushan Hammer Heavy Corvettes for example. They have 2 projectile cannons in the front underside of the ship however in the original game they were optimal because of the physics based system and being oriented in formations like wall where they could face their targets and use their cannons properly without having to perform a bunch of turning maneuvers. Now they are forced to deal with the RNG system as well as the flight and path system of Homeworld 2's engine. Now they are trying to maneuver around like the Hiigaran gunships but their design doesn't favor this. Now they can only bring to bear their 2 cannons at only a probable of 50-75% of the time while they are in a flight path because the system favors a different turrent design and a different flight path. 

This means in the future it might be more helpful to concentrate on ships which can bring more of their firepower into play at more regular intervals. For example, the Tempest Multi-Gun Corvettes. Keep in mind though that no matter what you do, you won't be able to change losing your units under the RNG system, there is no possible way to control your units to do so. You may dislike losing things like interceptors but in this type of scenario, losing them is better than losing the battle, and their design is still in line with the flight systems besides their guns are fixed and can only fire when facing an enemy just like the Hiigaran Interceptor squads. 

Also lastly Renairen, I wouldn't call it nostalgia goggles or being a nit picker. Nit picking would be me complaining that if the game was done right but the only things they get wrong was certain parts of the voice acting that changed scenes a little bit like different pitches in voices like in the Kharakian Genocide scene. However there isn't any nostalgia when comparing actual mechanics between games and it isn't a nitpick either to note how badly this game has been changed from the original and how many bugs or discrepancies you can find. These are in fact legitimate complaints when Gearbox had said they would be remastering the game. Not remaking it. 


That UI design & scaling is so ridiculous.


Only TWO attack frigates at the cryo trays ? i've managed to steal 4 frigates ( fast maneuvering and luck ) in classic HW.  Seems Gearbox doesnt want us to grow too strong from the beginning anymore :(


got my HW:R late in 2015 and following this video and my own experience ( woot, 5 assault frigates at my cryo trays ? ) you cannot salvage those frigates *AND* keep them.

Perhaps dont bother with elaborated salvage maneuvres; just grab the one frigate needed for the mission ( for reenginering) and destroy everything else. it will also save your cryo trays, one is always severe damaged.


Yeah, strike craft were pretty badly nerfed by the RNG system. There's a few mods available that try to alleviate that somewhat. You may want to look into them.
