New Wine Worship - Song of Repentance | Lyric Video
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We’ve fallen short
We’ve wondered far from Your ways
Forgive us, O Lord
We’ve sinned against Your name
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
For this is a song of repentance
This is a plea to Your heart
Would You purify us, Lord
Open Your hand to deliver
Reach down in power to save
You are Holy, God
God, keep us close
Held inYour promise of grace
Come change our hearts
Restore who we are, we pray
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy
For this is a song of repentance
This is a plea to Your heart
Would You purify us, Lord
Open Your hand to deliver
Reach down in power to save
You are Holy, God
Now, Almighty One
All-consuming love
Lord, remember us
Make us holy
For the sake of Christ
We lay down our lives
O now church arise
For His glory
Now, Almighty One
All-consuming love
Lord, remember us
Make us holy
For the sake of Christ
We lay down our lives
O now church arise
For His glory
For this is a song of repentance
This is a plea to Your heart
Would You purify us, Lord
Open Your hand to deliver
Reach down in power to save
You are Holy, God
This is a song of revival
Let holiness flood through this land
Would You purify us, Lord
Would You purify us, Lord
Lyric Video for New Wine Worship – Song of Repentance
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