Coronavirus, the election, and why market volatility could last a year

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Liz Weikes - J.P. Morgan Securities Managing Director & Financial Advisor joins Yahoo Finance’s On The Move panel to discuss how the presidential election and potential COVID-19 vaccine will affect volatility in the markets.
#coronavirus #COVID19 #stockvolatility
This segment originally aired on September 17, 2020.

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Death, it's one of the biggest events that will ever take place in your life. We face death everyday, conscious or unconsciously of it; death lurks around every corner of our life. Like a lion waiting to catch its prey, death comes for us all in many shape and form; seemingly there is no one can escape from the jaws of death.


There is no market. Value is only in your soul


Why coronavirus along market volatility will allow us to control the election - J.P. Morgan Securities Managing Director


We've seen from this pandemic that the economy is at a fundamental disconnect when it comes to the welfare of the general populace. Two-hundred thousand Americans are dead and homelessness is at an all-time high, yet the market has all but re-surged from its previous state. Our government officials are more concerned about maintaining the financial security of the few, rather than upholding the security and happiness of the many. Therefore, if any substantial change is to occur, then it must come from influences outside the processes bought and sold by the billionaire class.


Could she please stop saying "you know" every minute?
