Korg OPsix, Before You Buy (3 Things You Should Consider)

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I wanted to jump into three things you might want to consider before you buy the Korg OPsix if it's something you've been considering adding to the studio.
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No comparison with hydra. Two different beasts. I created one of the most beautiful patches I’ve ever created using the Opsix today. Most of the vids on this are just so metallic and fm. It’s real power imo is to use it as a 6 fader blending machine of analog bliss. I think of it a a six oscillator virtual analog where you can adjust modulated envelopes per osc and with incredible amounts of texturing capabilities per osc. Oh and 64 notes of polyphony.


To get dynamic timbral changes on most analog synths, you basically don't have many options other than to tweak filters. Since the Opsix gives you so many other ways to change timbre, for me, the filters don't play the same role that they do on analog synths. Even so, I kinda like the filters (especially the MS-20 and the various BRFs). I guess I never expect them (or use them) to behave exactly like an analog synth since this synth is so much about other capabilities.


For me hydrasynth and digitone sound a bit thin (without their fx engine use and modulations etc etc) and traditionaly korg always was bringing a kinda darker sounding character to its synths. Which i very much like.


About Elektron build quality; my experience is Machinedrum, Octatrack MK1, Digitakt; faulty display (Digitakt), wobbly skipping encoders (Machinedrum, Octatrack).. Had a Monologue; sure the knobs don't feel like premium, but they feel more trustworthy and solid than Elektron's.


Thank you, I purchased the opsix as a beginner learning how to play piano on a ds88 and a mpc live 2. I would have loved if the opsix supported poly aftertouch, module format and multitimbral support. But those may be too much asked for at its current price, after I have learned how to use the Opsix I might gravitate towards a Kodamo EssenceFM, which has those features and a very clean implementation of the touch UI


I think that the price of the OPSIX could be 100-150$ lower because this would place it at about the same price as the other Korg synths that uses the same 27 keys chassis. As for the filters, I see them as a bonus because technically FM synths don’t need them but they are a nice addition expands what’s possible to do with an fm synth. Korg could have made it an hybrid synth with analog filters but they would have ended up with a much higher price point and I think this would have been a mistake. I also think Korg should pay attention to the build quality of some of its synths. It’s not normal to see Behringer synths half the price having steel enclosures with better quality knobs.


I agree with your comment about the filter. It could have more of a “bite” regardless of the filter selection. Like others, I’d like better keybed with poly aftertouch. The knobs and sliders are fine but not that great. This is my 4th FM instrument and it’s hands down the best. I’m really digging it a lot. I’ve done some Opsix only tracks and Peak and Opsix drones with good results.


An honest review from someone that loves the product, great video man


I wish you or someone would do a Hydrasynth Explorer vs Opsix. I want to purchase one or the other, but like to make an informed decision. An in depth technical comparison.


i agree with you on the quality feel. i have a digitakt and minilogue and sequential stuff. the minilogue felt a little more better quality to me than the opsix tho not by much. i've been eyeing up the hydrasynth. but i really want a prophet 6 or behringer to come out with the pro 800. i love the pro 3 but i feel like it's missing that 4th oscillator for paraphonic mode. thats kinda a bummer. i'm dreamning that they would come out with like a 4 or 6 voice expander module for the pro 3. lol.


I see it being returned back to the music store's
I'm still wanting one


What program are you using on your iPad


I'm really wanting one of these, and have been a FM lover for 25 years, and have dreamt of someone finally putting a bunch of knobs/controllers on a FM machine . If the filters are a little weak, and I get one, I'll just rout the audio through my Matrix Brute and get some analog filter action. I have a Wavestate, and it looks like the 2 machines are very similar. the wavestate is an infinite possibility machine. Sure, it could be all metal and wood and shit, and a sample option, but so what, it's killer. Thats what I think the Opsix will be like. in fact, I'm going to order one right now . I just got the $$$ to do it. any thoughts on the randomize feature?


Can someone answer me please if i can sequence one bass\rhytm preset and play solo\improvisin on another preset separately on this synth?


You sound just like Ice T or is this a common LA accent? UK here so I can only distinguish a few accents such as NY & TX.


Korg has always struggled with filters imo. They always sound thin or even rubbery.


That would actually be a very interesting video: Hydrasynth Explorer vs Opsix from a sound/sonic capabilites point of view.
