How to Get Funding For Your Startup | Tech Startups, SaaS Startup Tips

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If you're a CEO or business owner of a tech startup, then you know how important it is to attract VC funding. After all, VC funding is one of the most common ways that tech startups get off the ground.

But attracting VC funding is no easy feat—you have to be able to show your potential investors that your startup has a large Total Addressable Market (TAM), a strong Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), and a realistic Served Available Market (SAM).
TAM, SOM, and SAM are three metrics that investors will use to assess your startup's potential.

Here's a quick overview of each metric:

Total Addressable Market (TAM): This is the total market demand for your product or service. In other words, it's the size of the market you're targeting.

Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM): This is the portion of the TAM that your startup can realistically capture given your resources and capabilities. In other words, it's the portion of the market you can actually serve.

Served Available Market
(SAM): This is the portion of the SOM that your startup can realistically capture with its current marketing efforts. In other words, it's the portion of the market you can actually reach with your current marketing strategy.

Demonstrating a healthy TAM, SOM, and SAM is one of the best ways to attract VC funding for tech startups. By showing VCs that there is a large potential customer base for your product or service and that you have a realistic plan for capturing a significant share of that market while still maintaining profitability, you increase the chances that they will take a chance on your startup.

If you want to learn more about how to successfully launch a tech startup (and get funding), make sure to watch the full Beyond Coding Podcast here:

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