Floyd Rose Original - YES! Floyd Rose Special - NO!

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Why I ditched the FR Special and went with FR Original.
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I had a gig coming up and 2 of the saddles on my Special stripped out. Ordered an Original, put it on today and am experiencing a new world of awesomeness. It's smoother, stays in tune, the strings seem to lock in tight, and nothing's stripping. Oh and it looks badass because I got the nickel version. hehe.


I don't use Floyd Rose but when do I always go for a Schaller.


Some people (actually, many people) in comments (years past) say that they have never have had problems with Specials with regular use BUT don't mention WHAT YEAR their guitar (or trem) was manufactured. Why would that even matter? Well, it COULD be that the Special's specifications and/or materials may have gotten softer/worse/poorer over TIME. This is REALLY something what should be considered in our fast changing world today (2022 as I write this) especially now with Supply chain issues and raw material shortages and let's not forget currency inflation that likely affects profit margins too.


I have 2 special models and I upgraded the blocks to big brass blocks. All i could afford at the time. The knife edges seem to be fine for me. But I installed them myself and have never adjusted the bridge studs while under string tension probably why they still are in good shape.


Never had any problems with the Flyod Rose Special


Was it hard changing out the Floyd rose? because I have one and I might be changing it


hello !!!, you just swaping floyd rose special for original ??, i have the same guitar and my bridge its a nigthmare, and buy one floyd rose original, but i dotnt know if i cat just swap the special fot the original, other cuestion, the NUT its ona R3 ?
Thanks for the replay, chers from chile !


I have to wonder if this "Floyd Rose Special" problem thing is really just people wanting to spend more money on upgrading in hopes of "something different".

I thought I was going to SEE the actual "grooves" I have read about, but much like the rest of the threads or videos on the subject, there is NEVER a clear view of the "grooves". Sure, zinc is softer than steel, but the zamak stuff is almost as strong as hardened steel. The fact that the saddles are cast, not sintered, makes a significant difference, too.


Hey Mike!

Your review helped me a lot, mate.

I was about to buy this "Floyd Rose Special" model but when you said about the knife edges... Well, that is exactly the point that I was thinking would worth it to change my licenced one for one of these.

And if you allow me, here is a tip about the "string slipping":
You can make a small "L" at the end of the string (only for the thin ones - G, B or E) and put the block against it. That will keep the string always tight and will not move, or even slip out anymore. It worth a try!

Thank you, and good luck with the channel.

Greetings from Brazil.


I have both systems the Special and original no issues with either one both are incredible systems


Thx, im having the same issues with floyd rose special, looks like i need a floyd rose original


I thought it was me fkn all up... I’ve played and tuned Floyd’s for above a decade and this was my first time with a “fr special” on a schecter guitar...
thx a lot for uploading. My problems were all the same, exactly the same...
frs sucks


One question you might've already answered.
Did the original floyd rose drop in with no problems?
I need to upgrade but if its gonna need to be rerouted its not worth it.
The guitar is a Jackson SLXQ.


Seems like the special is very spotty. Replace my block with a brass one, and ive never had a bad experience with it, stays in tune pretty good.


what size block did the Floyd rose Original come with? I think it is 37mm but I am not sure.


I'm going to buy a Jackson Dinky JS32 but I want to change the bridge, is it possible to change it with this Floyd Rose Original?


Did you adjust the string height while the strings are in tension?


What a about the floyd rose "pro" the originals are sold out in the floyd rose website at least the chrome and black and I want one of them but I cant have any, is the "pro" worth it or should I just go for another color wich make them more expensive


I have little solution for snapping string is you fold the edge of the string for 2 or 3 times. then the string will locked well


The special that came on my jackson came with a steel tone block stamped FR with the circle and everything which confused the hell out of me, maybe I got lucky and got a korean made special? So far I upgraded to titanium insert blocks, floyd rose brass tone block, esp fine tuners from my other guitar and heavy duty silent floyd rose tremolo springs. My esp has a special as well and is now like 11 years old with zero issues. The chrome has kinda flaked off where my hand sits to show some weird copper colors underneath which I don't like but i'm hoping my Jackson special holds up just as well over time. I keep hearing about saddle issues which kind of scares me so I might find some saddles for it, idk yet.
