Ionic 4 Crash Course with Heartstone API & Angular | Udemy Course Preview
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Would not be great to write just one code and ship it to Android, iOs and Browsers? Well, that's what is Ionic exactly good for.
Angular is a well known and popular framework for writing amazing web apps. If you combine Ionic and Angular you have just right recipe to create awesome mobile hybrid apps. Ionic framework gives you a power to compile your Javascript, Html and Css code into a code that can be run on iOS, Android and of course Browser.
Is Ionic useful just for compiling your code ? Not at all. Ionic provides you with tons of UI components, modern cutting edge stylings, icons, animations, transitions and much more you can use easily out of the box. Ionic let's you focus on writing code instead of spending time crushing your head into the wall why header moved 10px.
There was never a better time than now to learn how to write extremely popular hybrid apps. Ionic might be just a right choice for you.
My name is Filip Jerga. I am a freelance software engineer and course creator here on Udemy. My previous course met with amazing feedback of 4.6+ rating and more than 1000 students.
I will take you on a quick but a knowledge-grained tour of Ionic 4. You will learn how to create an application usable in a real life. You will not spent endless hours watching boring presentation but rather writing real code. Learning by writing is the best way.
You will build an application connected to Heartstone api with every playing card listed in it. We will go through basics of Ionic.
Later, I will explain some of the UI Components. You will connect applications to Heartstone API. You will work on more useful features like search and functionality to make a card favourite. You will use amazing Ionic storage.
In last lectures you will learn what is a Firebase and what is it good for. Let's not forget about push notifications. You will learn how to send push notification from firebase straight to your applications and notify your users.
You will run application in browser and as well in emulator and real device.
In this course you will exactly learn:
What is Ionic and what is a good for
Understand Ionic Architecture
Understand routing and navigation in application
Fetch data from Heartstone API
How to create a page and display data in your app
You will refresh your knowledge of Angular
How to use Ionic UI components.
Create search and favorite cards feature
How to use Ionic storage
How to work with Firebase
How to send push Notification
Emulate application in Xcode and Android Studio
How does it sounds ? Let's find out if this course is right for you. I hope to see you in lectures.