New No-Till Forage Friendly Cover Crop Seed Mix for Home Gardeners, Homesteaders, Small/Large Farms

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30-60 Days to termination. No-Till Forage Friendly Cover Crop Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, winter-killing, no-till, and forage-friendly. This mix has been created as a forage-safe option for home gardens, small farms, and homesteads. Plant as a spring, summer, or fall cover crop to restore vital nutrients and improve soil quality. All nine plants in this mix will winter-kill in zones 8 and cooler for those using no-till practices. If growing in the spring or summer, terminate before flowering and seed development occurs.

Cover crops come with a host of benefits, including erosion prevention, nutrient enrichment, improved soil structure, better moisture retention, weed suppression, and reduced compaction. With this mix of 9 common cover crop seeds, you can receive these benefits with the added bonus of knowing it is also safe forage for your animals. Whether you are growing in the spring, summer, or winter, this cover crop will help you reach your soil goals. By keeping soil covered during the “off” seasons, you can prepare the ground for a stronger and healthier harvest in the coming months.

All 9 seeds included in this mix will winter-kill in USDA hardiness zones 8 and cooler when planted 30-60 days before your first fall frost.

All 9 seeds in this mix are also forage friendly for your common farm animals.

Due to their ability to winter-kill, this mix is ideal for gardeners using no-till practices.

If growing in the spring or summer months, this mix will need to be terminated 2-3 weeks before growing a main crop for harvesting.

"Pair cover crop use with the practice of crop rotation during your regular growing season for a strong, organic method of defense against pests from year to year."

- Ashleigh Smith, True Leaf Market Writer

🌱 1-2 lbs per 1,000 square feet

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Could this be used in a fodder grow system?
