He Spent $50,000 On His Teeth And THIS Happened! 😳🦷

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The tooth fairy definitely made bank on his teeth.


My dad grew up poor, and without the presence of his parents, every time he had a toothache, the “dentists” just took the teeth out; by the time he was 17, he had already lost almost all his teeth. He worked his whole life to be able to restore his mouth. When he was 55, he got a very expensive prosthesis similar to the person in the video. The first years, it was amazing until he got very sick; his bones started breaking out of nowhere, and he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Because of that cancer, he has lost a lot of the bone that was attached to the prosthesis; now, he looks like the man in the video. He is in so much pain, not just from the cancer but also because his mouth is in constant deterioration. I wish I could have been there when he was a kid to help him learn how to care for his teeth. He is a warrior; he keeps smiling and has the best attitude toward life.


Best thing my dentist says every appointment. “floss the teeth you want to keep”.


Its insane and sad if this man spent 50'000 dollars on veeners yet failed to take care of them. All of that money went down the drain 😭
Edit : ahh yes I heard that he had enamel problems but that's not the end of it. Not taking care of your veeners or dentures or whatever you have will cause problems down the line.


Nothing beats keeping your natural teeth healthy 😁


Yes!! 🙌🏼 I have been in the dental field for 10 years and I have to say that the amount of patients who think they no longer need to clean their restorations (“because they won’t decay”) is ridiculous. The fact that restorations are present makes you more susceptible to decay. Please take care of your restorations 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


my mother passed away with all of her loved ones at her bedside. She said she had one regret she wished she would’ve taken better care of her teeth. I will never forget those words and every time I brush my teeth I think of her wise words. I love miss you, mom!!❤


You wouldn't believe how many patients I've seen over the years that call their crowns or bridges their "fake teeth". They are shocked when I tell them there's still tooth structure underneath, and you still need to take care of that investment in their mouth.


everything i learn about dentistry makes me feel like humans werent meant to have teeth like this


he thought he could get veneers and never brush his teeth again. this is the outcome


Sadly I wish I was down to gums, I need all my teeth removed and will just die


My grandmas teeth will end up all falling because she does not brush her teeth.
About 80k or something in restoration of all her dental arch because when she was younger she asked for dentists to remove all of her teeth and yes, in 40s/50s/early 60s Brazil there was actually this small town trend of removing all of your teeth and replace that with gold teeth and whatever crap fancy metal you wanted to, rich people in small towns, especially North, Northeast Brazil actually did that to look pretty ...
Don't follow trends kids


The fact you can even spend 50k on teeth is diwgusting and the main reason so many people have dental problems and don’t get it fixed. I pay for dental insurance and I still can’t afford to get the work done I need.


I just spent that on permanent implants, actually getting my final set Oct 11th and I can't wait!! My life has completely changed for the better! The best part is smiling bigger which gives me the confidence to really truly laugh and not hold back! 😍


Why does Thebentist say "puhh"? I would like to think he has a very minty breath


My cheap water flosser just broke. I placed an order for the Aquaclean Duo today. It better work Bentist!


Toothfairy’s gone bankrupt with this one 😂😂😂😂


I'm about $30, 000 into my dental work after an accident, and not only do I not have front teeth, but I was quoted around $8, 000 for the implants and $20, 000 for the braces I "need" to have room for the new implants. Not sure how anyone can afford those things when you have a family. It really rips away your identity when all you can see is the flaws in your smile.


i just got a root canal done on my front tooth (filling got too close to the nerve and killed it) so i had to get a crown and it was the first major procedure i had without major sedation and while it wasn't scary or painful getting it done, thanks to you and other creators like you, i was actually really interested in the process, i can't believe ppl will willingly do that to their healthy teeth


I'm almost _positive_ I had dentogenesis imperfecta on a couple of my baby teeth. Had to get 2 stainless steel crowns on 2 of my molars when I was *three.* Not-so-surprisingly, those are the teeth I didn't develop ADULT teeth at all! It's said to be hereditary but no one else in my family had it, nor does my son (thank goodness) It didn't affect any _visible_ teeth **knocks wood repeatedly** I still plan on getting implants one day so I don't end up with bone loss, but so far the dentist hasn't recommended any yet.
