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There is a moment that links to one of the movie’s main plot points revealed not long after. During the flashback scene that tells Nebbercracker and Constance’s backstory and explains Nebbercracker’s behavior to the local youths, we actually see that the poster at the circus for Constance’s performance calls her “the woman as big as a house”. Though the poster obviously emphasizes her body size, it is of course also a nod to the fact that Constance’s spirit has inhabited an entire house in the present day setting of the story.


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Can you imagine the level of rage in a person to be so angry they possess an entire house?


Despite everything, that old man deserved better, honestly, I get people are all salty about old people being all "get off mah lawn!" But even if his house wasn't haunted by his angry wife, he may have still been mourning and just didn't want any kids to remind him of what happened.


As I a kid I didn’t like her but no I sympathize with her. She was made fun of for being overweight, basically called a monster and a freak show. Of course she got really mad and then in the end she died as a result of being ridiculed


It makes it even sadder to know how much love he held for her imagine the one you love being constantly tormented and abused by everybody around you


As a kid, and even now, I felt so freaking BAD for constance.

she has been called a monster, a freak, and used for profit her ENTIRE life. All those years of being ogled at and taunted, it's no wonder her temper was so terrible.

Then Mr. Nevercracker comes along, and falls in love with her. And he openly says that to her, that she was beautiful to him. I just can't imagine that Not being the first time anyone has called her that because of her reaction.
Then he takes her away, and promises her a home, love, and a life like any other person, where she and him can be together and live happily away from judgement. That seems to be all she ever wanted.

Then those boys came along and egged their barely built home. Now think about it.
The home was literally wood sticks, a staircase, and no roof. It wasn't anything special by far, not structurally sound at all. But she threw a temper tantrum over it.
But it WASNT a temper tantrum. Honestly, it could be considered noble, considering this was an almost completely trauma induced reaction. I don't remember the quote exactly, but I KNOW she says something along the lines of, "they are ATTACKING OUR HOUSE".

She's not selfish, I'll tell you that right now. She's protective.
She felt her home and her husband were threatened by these kids. The kids targeted the home exactly how she was targeted in the circus, so no doubt it was like ptsd for her, thus the strong reaction.
She's not evil, she's hurt.
Every scene we see her with her husband, she either is looking at him with love in her eyes and a smile, or protecting him from what she thinks is danger. He was nothing but loving and kind to her, and she seemed to reciprocate that in the small about ofbscreentime we get of her alive. But even in death, as shown when Mr. Nevercracker is interacting with the house, we see her and him looking at eachother with tender care.

This scene in the video is also quite symbolic. A house is a common target for egging, right? She had food thrown at her all her life as an insult. A house protects the people inside it, yes? She died protecting her husband from what she thought was danger. Even the way the house was killed in the end of the movie is similar to the way constance was killed.
Constance wasn't selfish. Constance wasn't evil.
She was protective and hurt, and she's only been loved by one person in her whole life, and afterlife. All through the movie, she's done nothing but protect the one person who's ever loved her truly. The one who's been kind and true. In the end, that's when her rage takes over and she does chase her husband down with the kids, but that's because she felt betrayed. And I can't blame her much, he's enabled this behavior ever since her death, and it's never been properly corrected and she never got the help she needed.
Constance is a truly tragic character, I believe, and while I'm happy she's in a better place now, I'm so sad every time I watch this movie that she was turned into a monster. One thing I do appreciate, is that the last thing we see is not a broken home, or a dead monstrosity.

We see her ghost, her TRUE self, smiling and sharing one last touch with the one person she's ever loved, and felt loved by.
And we see the good and sensitive part of Nevercracker that was there a long time ago. The man who was caring and heartfelt and sweet, the man who he was before his wife's death caused him to see others in a darker light.

They both deserved better. This movie is so much deeper than what's there, and I'm glad people are remembering it



That film was my first introduction to the idea that even an antagonist could be someone hurt, unhappy, & trying their best despite a bad situation.
The fact that the conflict really wasn’t anyone’s ‘fault’, that all the major characters were acting morally according to what they knew & believed, was kind of an eye-opener for tiny me.


Monster House is such a hidden gem of a movie, I love it so much

It's not Halloween in my home without Monster House on the horror playlist


Another foreshadow is when he gets a call from nebbercrackers house that shadow hand that's in his dream has chubby hands


Wait that Film exists, I thought I just had a nightmare


The flash back scene always made me cry, even now 😢


I remember seeing this movie when I was a kid and crying at their backstory. I also remember my mom a year later when I saw it on the red box saying that we weren't going to get it and I begged her to and she said it was too scary and I told her I had already seen it and explained the plot line and she finally realized there was another movie and I still don't know the movie she was thinking of but yeah. And no I don't think she got the movie still.


The manner of Constance’s death has always made me raise an eyebrow at this movie. It’s far from being the only kids movie to incorporate death in some way, but death via being buried alive seems a bit much.


This was the most tragic love story I got to see as a child, I cried so much when those bullies attacked her and her husband just trying to break through the despair of his wife and to top it all out the horrible fate she had to go through 😣


On the dvd menu for this, when you hit play the carpet/tongue shot out at you and dragged you in. Little child me (forgot how old i was at the time) would press play and immediately dive behind a corner or blanket for "safety". I still do it at 20


If they ever make a remake of this movie, which I highly doubt, I want to see more flashbacks of Nebbercracker and Constance being together. They're a really sweet couple and it's really bittersweet how things ended.


This movie really made me think man eating houses were gonna be a much bigger problem as a kid.


When I was young, I saw this as a spooky kids movie and villainized Constance because she was the big scary house trying to eat the kids and their toys. Watching the movie as an adult I see it as a sad love story. I can’t help but empathize with Constance as well as Nebbercracker. He pretty much lost the love of his life two times within his lifetime and she was relentlessly dehumanized for her size.


I remember my ticket stub said Monster Ho when I saw this in theaters


Here’s some Fun facts about the movie:
-the director had a wish list of actors he wanted in the movie and all of them said yes
-the poster for Constance at the freak show calls her “the woman as big as a house”
- the hand in the nightmare sequence is actually Constance’s and judging by it’s bulky look
-Mr. Nebbercracker was actually driving the ambulance suggesting he broke out of the hospital to stop Constance before it’s too late


Imagine this was a live action movie by blumhouse. That would be terrifying tbh in a good way
