DrupalCon Los Angeles 2015: The Symfony Framework: Your Free New Toolkit

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Learning a new framework or CMS is hard. So, we usually stick to one: I use only Symfony, you use only Drupal. And that's too bad, because we all want to use the best tool for the job. But because Drupal 8 and Symfony have so much in common, that's about to change.

In this talk, we'll get started in the Symfony Framework by building a little app that takes us through routing, controllers, responses, events and the service container. For D8 users, you'll start to understand just how easy it'll be to use Symfony (or Silex) for certain projects. And if you haven't used it yet, you'll get a tour into the most fundamental pieces of Drupal 8 (since they're shared with Symfony!). Your toolkit is about to expand, and that's a reason to celebrate.

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