What I Eat in a Day to Feel Good | easy, plant based, healing

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Thank you so much for being, just as you are

TIK TOK: yaknowme_hitomi222
Spotify: thejauntforckandhm

0:00-1:44 intro & vibe check
1:44-2:24 breakfast
2:24-6:20 healing your relationship to food
6:20-8:53 mid morning snack/side
8:53-14:36 cook lunch with me
14:36-14:55 herbal medicine
14:55-15:46 dinner
15:46-21:39 gratitude, reflection, and love
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I love the idea of focusing on how food makes you feel good rather than focusing only on weight loss diets


if you haven't heard this in a while, I want you to know how proud I am of you. I've been watching you for years and to see you grow and blossom into such a beautiful and forgiving women is amazing. you will forever be a constant source of inspiration to me


Hitomi I urge you to make a podcast!!! So often I want to solely listen to your words (even if its a “just a rant”) wherever I go and feel inspired at any moment while still being in the present moment and seeing my surroundings. Your worldview and voice are very soothing and encouraging to continue feeling good about myself and my opportunities in life. Thank u in advance 🤍


Hitomi, I just want to say it’s been really healing for me to watch your content and be on this journey alongside you for the last many years. I deeply resonate with the ideas you put into words so effortlessly and I cease to. You’re inspiring and I’ve found a friend in you. Tight hug, Kavya 💜🫶🏽


Eckhart Tolle says that usually the people who suffers the most at the beginning of their lives have the greatest motivation to dig deeper, get to know themselves better, transform and transcend. So for me that's the answer to the question 'how did I get so lucky?' I guess having a difficult beginning could be a doorway to experience consistent joy later in life. Love from Spain 🌻


Hitomi i just wanted to say that ur energy and the atmosphere of ur videos is just pure love and fluidness.
Thank you soo much for all your Wisdom and Advice.
May the Universe and Mother Gaia bless u everyday of your life <3


Your videos are my weekly reminder to prioritize myself, what brings me joy and my calm. You're so inspiring and i've recently been making more of an effort to shift my priorities this year and it's been a wonderful practice! 🥰


thank you for talking about the portions you consume. in the past, i use to feel bad for eating more than my partner but you made me realize all our bodies have different needs and that’s okay. love you hitomi 🌸


Hi Hitomi! I'm early so maybe you'll see this, hope your doing well! I can't explain how much your video's often turned my whole day around. You have taught me so much. Really being doing well lately and been incorporating many of the things you share in your video's. Much love.


I lose a lot of my so called friends this past year. I felt so hurt and betrayed and alone. But by watching your vlogs, I found the comfort that I need. Thank you so much for being such an Angel. 🥺 🤍


I will always feel gratitude when I watch your content. Even if this is the only way I’ll ever connect with such a warm and pure energy, I am so grateful for it; so grateful that the algorithm brought you and your channel into my life. Thank you for pouring your heart and creative spirit into your videos and sharing it with us 🤎


Your videos are such a vital part to my healing journey. Just yesterday I was at lunch with a friend and I ate so much more than her. And that’s totally okay! My tummy felt great, not overstuffed at all. We are human and all humans need different things to thrive! Thank you for the reminder.


I love your energy and the feeling of warmth, safety, serenity, and peace that you’re videos bring. Thank you🤍🙏🏼🪴


I've never met someone with such a genuinely kind and peaceful soul, let alone someone who can project it through a screen, it's crazy


You bring tears to my eyes hearing you talking about the gratitude you feel. You’re so radiant. Xox


the rest of the internet often feels so frantic and loud but this channel somehow is such a calm bubble and is easy to have on in the background and makes me feel so gentle and stationary in the best way so thank you hitomi for this 🙏


what you said about primary sources of nourishment is so healing 💖 genuinely it can be tempting to overindulge in food to get that warm loving sensation/ any sensation. it's grounding to reflect on this and truly honour our feelings, so that when we sit with each meal its purposeful and actually self adorning 🌸


You have singlehandly changed my life. You have been my friend when I felt most alone. Beautiful soul ❤❤❤❤


Hitomi you are doing such powerful work. I've been following you for around 4 years now and it is such a blessing to learn alongside you! You are making work accessible quite literally and I am so inspired by how you speak of knowledge so that we can all learn too. I hope you feel the many ripples of love you send out into the world right back into your life! Hugs!


Your last words made me cry with joy and gratefulness for being able to really feel and innerstand what you were talking about, sending a strong hug from Italy, I love you so much Hitomi keep being always the light you are
