Engineering the PERFECT city for my 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!
Geography Now hits 2 million subscribers
2 Million Subscribers | Ford
YouTube Diamond Play Button #shorts
I really your fan thank you🎉 and congratulations 🎉🎉🎉
Aye congrats. Ran into your page 2 weeks ago from another YouTube that had a video on you. Clicked on your channel. Best thing I ever did this year
Thank you gawx- you’re always an inspiration! Art & video! (:
Congratulations Gawk. Well deserved. Thank you for your time and inspiration. God bless you in your continuing journey.
I'm one of your new subscribers. Congratulations, Gawx! 🎉 Looking forward to watch more of your previous videos and upcoming new ones from all of your YouTube channels.
Congrats!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
I am glad that you have achieved another milestone! May god fulfill all your further wishes.
Loads of Love. 😍
Congratulations, 2 million, you deserve more because you are a wonderful person with many talents. I wish you more success🎉❤🥰😍
Congrats gawx!! I grew up watching your doodles and learning and now I am proud to say that i have started my own art channel with 700 subs. Thanks 🙏🙏
Congratulations big brother god bless you ❤️
Congrats buddy... Very well deserved... Keep up the amazing stuff
crazy man. the amount of work it must have taken. proud of you man, you’re a huge inspiration!
congrats on 2mil gawx luv u and keep doing what you're doing :D (in the next 2 weeks it's gonna be 7bil)
Que recuerdos en este video :') parece que fue ayer que ibas a llegar al primer millón y ahora ya 2 millones 👏 Felicitaciones, lo tenés super merecido, sos un gran artista!
We love you Gawx, you deserve this and much more. You are a big inspiration for me and also too much more people, let's go for more!
Hurrayyyy !!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞🎉🎉 Love you Gawx...keep growing 💗
Felicitaciones por eso Gawx, en serio te lo mereces por inspirarme a mi y toda tu comunidad a lograr cosas grandes como los 2 millones a por mas y Enhorabuena!!
Wow! Incredible work man! Thank you for the inspiration! Yo soy colombiano! 😊
Because i subscribed just today it makes me feel like i was in the group of people who helped passed that number today, and damn it feels nice
Congrats Gawx. Your videos are seriously just as much of a work of art as the focus of them!
Hey gawx i am very happy to hear this i am just very very excited ❤❤💝💥