Nick Rinn Departure with AWP

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This is my statement of departure as new team lead diver for AWP.

Apologies, this statement has been edited due to contracts in place.

Please remember that the following organizations are available to you or someone you know who might be in need of someone to talk too. Thanks

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Dang it Nick, Just like I told Doug and Josh and Carson you all have done so much good and this adventure is not over. These families need you all. We need you all. Please don’t let Him stop this movement. Thank you for helping bring them home. You are a good man Nick ❤


I’m a (former) longtime member of AwP. I have since cancelled my paid membership but still want to support the cause- get together, the group of you and you will see how quickly I and many others will sign up! 💜 you guys, stay strong! 🇨🇦💜🙏🏻


Please don't stop doing what you do!! I think you, Doug, Josh and the rest of the team should come together and make your own search team We all stand with you Your integrity shines through all the work you do and all the families you help ❤️


You, Doug, Josh, Sam, Carson, and the others can build a new crew! I appreciate you and the boys! This is too needed for the greater good to quit. You have my support, I messaged Doug saying the same thing. Keep shining and giving families answers 💗Jenn


I absolutely think that you, Doug and the rest of the crew should create your own channel, your own LLC, throw some money together and keep this thing going. Your work is genuinely needed, and there are so many families out there that could greatly benefit from your guys' expertise. And there are people missing, alone, cold, and waiting to be discovered out there, and finally brought home. You guys have my full support.


As a former supporter with AWP, we all share your disappointment and heartache. I hope to see the rest of you top notch guys in the future, hopefully together still making a difference. And to just add, why can’t you guys become a true training group to provide education and guidance around the country to law enforcement and search groups? It seems to be a much needed training.


One man’s wrong doesn’t mean it the whole group. I hope the rest of you guys can start over without him. Best wishes and thank you all for everything ❤


@nick I'm a Truckee citizen. My wife and I spent a whole week looking for Kiely in the back country. You found her. Please don't forget what a huge impact you have on people's lives. You're a good man.


What has occurred or is currently happening does not define the contribution that yourself and your other team members put into solving cases. Whilst the AWP chapter is closed, the future is bright for you to continue to do this great work. Just give yourself and the others the time it needs. Sending my best wishes and support.


You guys should definitely salvage as much as the team as you can and keep doing what you were doing. You all helped so many families it would be a shame for your valuable services to end.


As a social worker please don’t make this stop you from doing what you love and what you’re passionate about. I’m praying for healing for you, Doug, Carson and the others. This is a heavy burden to carry and just know we’re all watching and supporting you through the next steps of your journey.


Nick, first and foremost I want to say “THANK YOU “ for all you’ve done for SOO many families!!! I and my family support you and the rest of the team!!! You are all in our thoughts and prayers 🙏🙏🙏. I do hope that You, Doug and the rest of the team do get back together and start fresh!! Y’all do such a wonderful job helping families find their loved ones and y’all are appreciated more than you could ever know!!! Keep your heads up and just because one man was fake and lost his integrity, is sad but does not reflect the rest of the team. Just remember your UTUBE family loves and supports you!!!! Sending hugs, love and prayers❣️


I would hate to see the team disappear just because of one cruel individual. I hope you good guys can create something new with integrity, motivation, honesty and dedication, like we have seen from you all over the last few years. ❤️


I hate that this has happened to you guys, but you have my full support. What you all do is too damn important to not do it in some capacity. I hope you all can regroup and form a new team. Godspeed for your continued successes and prayers for your safety always. Thank you for what you did and I hope you will continue this mission.


I wish you and the rest of the guys the best 👍 you, Josh, Carson, and Doug should start your own diving team and keep finding missing loved ones for people. God Bless all of you guys 🙏


Your integrity is awesome. Being a Survivor myself, the support you are showing does not go unnoticed. Thank you, and hope you and the other members can work it out and find a way to continue helping others.


Start all over on your own. You, Dough and Josh you guys don't need Jared to do this work on your own. Go for it!!! You guys have the support you need.


I was a paid member with AWP and supported them through donations or buying products. I cancelled my membership and am throwing my support to Chaos Divers.
I pray, after the shock and disbelief settles down. The rest of the group will continue their works. You all are so good at each job you had. I believe you all will rise like a Phoenix and start soaring!
I will send my support for this and I am sure others will. I pray the Lord Blesses you all with the equipment and fundings needed to carry on. Please keep going!


i’m so proud of everyone who has publicly made a statement and stuck to their morals. i met the guys on doug’s team just a month before everything came out when they were working a case in michigan. hearing the news was devastating but i can’t sit there and support someone like that. it takes a lot of courage to speak out.


I’ve told Doug and I’ll tell you. Please please keep up this work. I’ve pulled my support membership from AWP and will wait for y’all to come back stronger and even better than before. My heart is shattered just like so many others but God has a plan for you and the rest of the great team members to continue. The support WILL be there. Good luck and God bless.
