This verse Alone Disproves Islam? Muslim Response @ApostateAladdin

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Apostate Aladdin fails to see the Quranic argument is based on the logic of the Christian’s and Jews definition of what it means to be a follower of a religion. This argument does not stand against Islam as the criteria and definition of being a Muslim is totally different than the aforementioned.
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Salam, aladdin boy seems to fail to understand the Quranic verse is refuting the Jews and Christian’s based on THEIR logic and definitions, this does NOT apply to the Quran as Islam has its own definition of what being a muslim means. Peace ✌️


Word salad. you didn't prove anything.


bro really said " we believe Abraham and Moses they were muslims" 🤡🤣
the amount of mental gymnastics is astonishing


So how do you know who allah is then? You know BECAUSE OF THE QURAN, meaning that Muslim is literally the same definition as Christian or Jew just in the terms of the quran. Also Christian’s follow jesus not Paul, Paul just reiterated Jesus’ teachings. I don’t understand how you can be a religious ‘debate’ channel while not even understanding what Christianity is


Hold on hold on!!!!
Since Muslims means submission to God then are you saying Christians aren't submitted to God ?? To Christians, Jesus is the way to God so Christians are also submitted to God as well. In fact, to Christians, according to The Bible they who accept Jesus as the Christ are children of God. So if you ask me Christians are very much submitted to God 100%


Also Both Jesus and Paul never used the word Christians but rather they are called The Believing, the overcomers, the faithful, Sons of God, New creature, Co-heirs, Servants of God, The church. (Whichever name you pick, this is what those who believe in Jesus Christ were called by Paul or Jesus or the other disciples) The name Christians were giving to them by people who were not Christians (the people of Antioch)


Humans: How many men were in the cave?

GOD : Some will say, “They were three, their dog was the fourth, ” while others will say, “They were five, their dog was the sixth, ” ˹only˺ guessing blindly. And others will say, “They were seven and their dog was the eighth.”


It sounds like no one really knows what it really is in this book


Wait, didn't Muhammd say in surah 39:12 that he was commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah? That tells me that the God Abraham bow and submitted to base off of your definition was not Allah!!


A Muslim is one who submits to Allah. But the million-dollar question is Who is Allah? Is he the pre-Islamic pagan God who was worshiped at a pagan shrine called the Kaabah with pagan rituals and customs or is he Yahweh the true God of Abraham who was worshiped at the temple of Jerusalem which Yahweh designed himself with rituals and customs which he instituted in the Torah himself.


I was not refrring to myself, I am simply clarifying for you. As you seem to have slightly incorrect information. If you gave some references as to where you get your information from. I don't know who this Aladdin character is from, just seems petty


Deffinition of a Christian is not the followings of Paul !!! It is accepting Jesus Christ as a Lord and Saviour, that he died on the cross for humanity's sins.!!! How can u insult someone, by useing incorrect statements as facts??? Very silly, go do more research. Thats like me saying Muslims follow Abu Bakir instead of Muhammed. Not a very smart thing to post your ignorance of a topic.


i mean... mentally challenged ppl will be freed from punishment soo...


U don't understand how Christians believe to The God.
If U don't know how Christians believe to their God, U must learn first.
U are talking like U know how We believe Jesus but U don't know.
The way U explained about Our Faith is still wrong.


Alright then Christians and Jews didn't submit to your Allah in the first place and if those were false Scriptures with no submission to Allah then of course, yours is not an exception


These Christians will alwys make us laught they knw they ar losing the ground poor peopl they hve to hide ther face to talk its obvious wen u speak lie u hve to hide ur face....


you're clearly mad and triggered 😂
claiming the quran is perfect when its inconsistency has been shown countless times, not to mention the ammount of immoral behaviour being taught there!


Sorry, if a person is afraid to show their face... cant believe a word they say. Thumbs down here.


Investing Islam with Dr Jay Smith. Look it up.
