Escape the Matrix

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I wasn't planning to release this just yet but given the current state of the world, I decided it's time.

Remove all restrictive overlays and every AI matrix implant from:
Physical body
Nervous system and central nervous system
Digestive system
Respiratory system
Pineal gland system
Circulatory system
Endocrine system
Reproductive system
Right Brain
Reproductive organs
Primary motor cortex
Vagus nerve
Astral body and Astral field
Aura and auric field
Mental body
Emotional body
Energy bodies and energy fields
Higher self
Subconscious mind

Remove the soul contract overlay
Remove the False Akashic Records overlay (your true Akashic records are stored in your soul, not in an extradimensional Library)
Remove the soul restriction overlay
Remove the restrictive Astrological overlays
Remove the universal energy restriction overlays
Remove connection restriction overlays
Remove vibration restriction overlay
Remove illusion overlays
Remove every AI matrix overlay and implant

Remove kundalini system overlay and reactivate natural flow of Vital Energy
Remove chakra system overlay and implants; reactivate Sovereign energy meridians

Remove higher self projection overlay, return higher self to heart, reconnect Higher self to Infinite Source
Remove soul projection overlay, return soul to vagus nerve, reconnect soul to Infinite Source
Remove astral body projection overlay, return Astral Body to pelvis, reconnect Astral Body to Infinite Source

Remove unnatural restrictions on emotional connections and soul connections (you can still choose to close connections anytime you feel that's best for you, this is more about restrictions that make it difficult to form connections)

Fully disconnect from Karmic Containment Units

Remove implants that harvest creative, sexual, intuition, visionary, connection, instinct, heart, Astral, emotional body, mental body, spirit body energies and Vital Energy

Remove all unnatural seals

Unrestricted connection with Infinite Source

(Continued below)


Since somebody on my patreon told me that there were rumors on Discord that I died: I don't know how or why that rumor got started, but I'm alive. My life has just been really hectic over the past year and a half and I haven't had much time for making subliminals. I didn't really think I had to explain that sometimes life gets hectic, but here we are.


Say this affirmation if you feel any lower frequencies trying to trap you back into the light matrix with fearful thoughts or feelings: “I am a sovereign being, you do not have any jurisdiction here.”


I decided to use this subliminal along with block clearing and aura clearing for 3 months, every day I will do an update
UPDATE: 20.05.2022. Listened to all the subliminals for an hour, exiting the matrix for 3 hours. After getting rid of the blocks and cleansing the aura, I felt a lightness, a bright feeling. After exiting the matrix, there is some strange feeling of heaviness, perhaps this is what Apold wrote about in his Patreon, that exiting the matrix is ​​not always comfortable. In any case, I try to keep my vibrations high and not overwork myself.


It's been a while man! Glad you haven't given up on us! Missed your amazing tracks... I mean getting new ones, of course!


This is absolutely perfect oh my god. Thank you so much I’m definitely gonna be using.
Day 1: while i was talking about shifting to a friend today, my body was vibrating.
Prior to that hours before (in the morning/night) the shifting process was trying to get triggered while i was awake and it felt like i was about to shift while awake, so almost shifting, i only listened once or twice, i will listen today as well and try to update tomorrow.

Update! It’s October 12 2022:
I completely forgot ab this sub and don’t remember the last result, i last updated 7 months from October now and I’m listening to this back again today.


Well hello there, thank you for such a wonderful upload.


I find that subliminals, and energy files work best if they are treated like food. Portion control and give it time to digest. Five to fifteen minute sessions, then a break away- move around for it to sink in. And less is more- focus on one or two things at a time, focused saturation.


Thank you for the upload. 'Treat Aphantasia subliminal' has been my favourite, and it's great to be able to enjoy another belter of yours🙇🏻


This made my day, I wasn’t expecting you to return, you made me so happy! Thank you so much!


I never was much of a subliminal user but yours are different, literally everyone sub believer or not agrees yours are crazy good


Another comment, I'll listen to this for probably a good 2-4 hours along with my reincarnation sub after wish me luck as my subconscious whoops my ass.


I don't understand why you're so underrated. Why are you not getting the views you're supposed to get? Your subs are literally insane. Im not kidding.


Thank you for your upload your meta luck subliminal changed my whole life for better thank you so much


Just for everyone who uses this, I’ve been using for like 2 days now and the first day you’ll must likely feel uncomfortable and weird it will help your body and everything about it, and also don’t worry about the Charkas you won’t die or anything I’ve anything think of it like this ( the Charkas are like points in time and your energy is the meter, the more energy you have the more Charkas that energy can go through ) what this does is remove those limits so you can just have unlimited energy and Infitine manifestions, you’ll become fearless and your mindset will be pure, you will not have thoughts anymore but you’ll know everything you want, again all fear will be gone and when you leave ( I haven’t left yet ) I’m pretty sure that you’ll just be free to do anything and nothing holding you back


All these affirmations are pure perfection i cant believe im actually reading them lol thank you for bringing heaven on earth 🌎✨️💗!


Wanted to update you on your new sub technique. Commenting here since I can't comment on patreon.

Have been using Concordia with old blockage remover and suggestibility for 2 months. Took a 3 week break and then started using the new booster, blockage remover and suggestibility.

Suggestibility definitely a huge upgrade. I get faster results and the sensations I feel from subliminals are more "smooth" (Not sure how to explain this, basically sensations are a lot less uncomfortable)

Blockage remover removed a blockage in few minutes that the previous one (The one with energy) could not remove for more than 3 4 weeks.

Booster. I think the fact that the new booster is purely focused on subliminals makes it better than concordia for those looking for purely faster subliminal results.

In my opinion, the end-state or retrocausal manifestation is the way to go when making subliminals. I think Kaguya uses retrocausal with past-tense affirmations. I would rank them as follows:

End state affs > Retrocausal affs > Afformations = Present tense affs with gratitude involved (E.g. I love that I have...) > Regular I have affs


We need concordia booster v2, infinite Binary Booster v2, Aleph booster v2, multidimensional time booster v2, multiply results by Infinity and beyond booster v2.


Your creations are so powerful that I'm a bit wary of something that sounds this powerful.

But this world and my life need transcendence.

So, here we go...


Thank you for taking the time to post this Cody. Take care of yourself!
