Tips For Bringing Home A New Kitten | Welcome A Cat To Your Home

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Tips For Bringing Home A New Kitten

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(Welcome A Cat To Your Home | How long does it take to adapt?)

Bringing a new kitten to your home is not as simple as it sounds, especially if you have other pets as well. In fact, just like us humans, our pets can quickly get uncomfortable and stressed out in an unfamiliar place.

That's why it's vital to approach this matter in a sensitive way to avoid stressing out the new family member. In this video, we will give you tips and general guidelines on how you can do this safely and responsibly. But before we begin, make sure to like and subscribe.

1. Collect familiar scents

Cats secrete pheromones, which they use to communicate with other cats or interact with their surroundings. Although there is no way that we can detect these chemicals, you'll know when your cat is spreading it once they start rubbing their cheeks to anything. The more pheromones there are, the more familiar your cat will be with that particular place or person.

Hence, if you want to make your kitten comfortable while you're on your way to your home, you can bask yourself in cat pheromones. The best way to do this is by letting your kitten's mother and siblings rub themselves on you. It would be best if you do the same for the towels and toys you'll give your kitten. This way, your new kitten wouldn't miss their family that much and could even start familiarizing themselves with you.

2. Ride as smoothly as possible

Before you go back home, make sure that you have a carrier for your kitten. To encourage them to go inside the cat carrier, place the pheromone-filled towel in the carrier. If your kitten resists, do not force them, and simply open the cat carrier from the top so you could quickly put them inside.

Make sure that you drive as comfortably as possible to avoid stressing out your new kitten. Take a much more comfortable route, even if it would take more time if you can. It would even be better if someone else could drive for you so you can give your full attention to the little furball.

3. Do not overwhelm your kitten.

Once you arrive in your house, never let the kitten get out immediately, especially if you have other pets. Take the carrier and carry it gently to a room or an area where you can expect no disturbances such as loud noises or other people. Place food, water, and a litter box near your kitten's carrier and try to see if they will come out on their own.

If they show no signs of coming out, wait for at least 20 to 30 mins before trying again. If your kitten won't still come out, open the carrier from the top and gently take them out. Place them near the food and water you prepared so they can start familiarizing themselves with it. Here, you should be as patient as possible and just let your kitten explore on their own. If you think that they're already comfortable in that area, start to make your kitten explore the rest of the house.

4. Carefully introduce the new family member.

If there are no other pets around, you can easily do this step. All you really need to do is to prevent many people from petting your kitten all at once, as this could easily overwhelm the poor little guy.

However, if you have other pets, you have to be extremely careful in dealing with this matter. This is especially the case if your other pets show territorial tendencies. If you have to, keep your aggressive pets on a leash and let the two familiarize themselves with each other with your supervision. Watch out for any signs of aggression such as growling or behavioral changes and immediately remove the kitten before something terrible actually happens.

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Thnx, I've had kittens before but my mom was the one who actually did everything, it's my first time adopting one and being fully responsible myself.


I lost my baby boy last year and I just got a new kitten last night, he’s super sweet but scared and been hiding under the couch. I am patiently waiting for him to feel safe and comfortable enough to come out. He was exploring while I was sleeping last night and ate and used the litter box ❤


Got my first female kitten yesterday.She is only 8 weeks old.She is soo cute by the way.


very useful tips! the owner of the kitten's mom is going to drive the little one to my house, I'll ask to put something in their bed to collect pheromones the day before and bring it with the kitten, hoping to ease her stress!❤ thank you


I am going to get my new kitten today I am really excited and this video really help me a lot thank you!


For the familiar senses im getting a cat and his sister too


Got my first kitten today 🤩🐈 I don turn Abu-Hurairah😅


❤❤❤jus get my kitten today she so small grey❤❤❤❤❤❤


I took my kitten back home in a cardboard box…for a 3 hour drive with my cousin who gave us the kitten and stopped to get stuff for her but she’s actually comfortable with me now


I am going to have a kitten in a few days and i dont know anything and what to do and what not and will i be good enough idk what to do


It s been two days and my kitten is still scared, allways hissing at me, he is not even eating what should I do


I brought a 2 month kitten to home and now the stray kittens are calling my kitten. Is it a problem to worry?


I got a kitten too 2 months old my other cats are hissing at her but she wont come out she just went Under the bed in the corner


This is a little excessively. It is just as simple as it sounds. I have had a lots of cats, and when we bring them home, we just put them in the cage and leaves, without any shady slow methods and lots of smelling blankets, as soon as we got home we just opened the cage and let them go out at their own pace, then the other cats came over and said hello, it hasn't been the slightest bit of a problem, the first few hours they may have gone and called for the siblings and the mother, then they started playing and running around, and later laid down and slept,
and then continue to thrive in their new home. No big deal at all


My mother got 2kittens from her friend from work


Guys please help me out i need some advice, so im 14 and i brought a kitten home 2 days ago for a "trial run" and it has like 3 more days until i need to decide weather to keep the kitten or not and i just don know if im ready for a kitten i mean its a big responsibility im literally gonna be raising him his entire LIFE i mean i do have a dog but my mom always took care of him and altough everything is going perfectly my cat and dog are getting along he knows where to poop and pee i play with him he sleeps on my bed and many other things im still stressed because of the responsibility ill have
