What's everyone's thoughts on the Bigfoot Spider Crawl?

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Remember: if you are lucky enough to find a Sasquatch skull in the wild... LEAVE IT ALONE! Contact officials in your area. This is a hypothetical what-if scenario. No Bigfoots or Bigfoot skulls have been discovered by Brave Wilderness... yet.

PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REENACT OR RECREATE ANY EVENTS OR SCENES  FROM OUR VIDEOS. THE ANIMALS, INSECTS, PLANT LIFE, AND TERRAIN FEATURED IN  OUR VIDEOS CAN BE DANGEROUS AND CAN POSE A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF INJURY OR  DEATH. The Brave Wilderness hosts and crew are professionally trained and routinely  receive assistance from wildlife experts, guides, and safety personnel when filming to  ensure the safety of our crew and all wildlife. No animals were harmed or removed from  their natural habitat while making this video. Brave Wilderness has obtained permission  to film in each location featured in this video.

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I seen a vedio of them crawling maybe this is why its hard to spot them sometimes cuz there crawling fast
