HTML Tutorial for Beginners - Meaning of hypertext markup language

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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a standardized markup language used for creating and structuring the content of web pages. The meaning of HTML can be understood by breaking down its components and keywords:

Hypertext: Hypertext refers to a type of text that contains links or references to other documents or sections within a document. It allows for non-linear navigation and the ability to access information in a non-sequential manner. In the context of HTML, hypertext refers to the capability of creating links between web pages or different sections within a web page.

Markup: Markup refers to the process of adding tags and elements to text to define its structure and presentation. In HTML, markup involves using HTML tags to specify how different parts of a web page should be structured and displayed by web browsers. By applying specific tags, attributes, and their combinations, developers can define headings, paragraphs, images, tables, and other elements on a web page.

Language: HTML is a language because it follows a specific syntax and set of rules for creating and formatting web pages. It provides a standardized way for web developers to describe the structure and content of a web page, ensuring that web browsers interpret and display the page consistently across different platforms and devices.

In summary, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language used for structuring and presenting content on the web. It enables the creation of hypertext by incorporating links and references, utilizes markup through tags and attributes to define content structure and presentation, and serves as a standardized language for describing web page elements and ensuring consistent interpretation by web browsers.

!DOCTYPE: Specifies the document type and version of HTML being used.
HTML: Represents the root element of an HTML document.
head: Contains meta-information about the document, such as title, stylesheets, and scripts.
title: Defines the title of the document displayed in the browser's title bar or tab.
body: Contains the visible content of the web page.
h1 to h6: Defines headings of different levels, with h1 being the highest and h6 the lowest.
p: Represents a paragraph of text.
a: Creates a hyperlink, allowing users to navigate to another page or section within a page.
img : Inserts an image into the web page.
ul: Defines an unordered (bulleted) list.
ol: Defines an ordered (numbered) list.
li: Represents a list item within an ordered or unordered list.
div: Defines a division or section of the document, often used for layout purposes.
span: Inline element used for styling or grouping a specific section of text.
table: Creates a table for tabular data.
tr: Defines a row within a table.
td: Represents a cell within a table row.
th: Defines a table header cell.
form: Creates a form for user input.
input: Creates an input field within a form.
button: Creates a clickable button element.
label: Associates a label with a form input element.
textarea: Defines a multiline text input area.
select: Creates a dropdown selection list.
option: Defines an option within a select element.
iframe: Embeds another web page or document within the current document.
script: Embeds or references JavaScript code within the document.
style: Contains CSS styles for the document.
meta: Provides metadata about the document, such as character encoding and viewport settings.
!-- --: Represents a comment within the HTML code.
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Awesome, now we know what is hypertext markup language


Thank you for creating that kind of video.
