X4: Foundations: Using Depots for Computronic Substrate #shorts

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The Terrans require ore and silicon for their Computronic Substrate production, which currently doesn't work very well in X4: Foundations 4.0. This #shorts shows a simply work around for setting up a mineral depot for one of your solid resources to get around this.

X4: Foundations is the latest title in the popular X series of space simulation / sandbox games, played as action games from a first-person perspective in a living breathing universe, with TRADE FIGHT BUILD THINK as the common tag-line. X4: Foundations is unique in its depth, simulating an entire universe of NPC ships and stations, forming a realistic economy. It consists of a huge universe, simulated from the bottom up. Hundreds of stations, and thousands of ships, trade goods among themselves. Prices change based on supply and demand; resources are mined and processed in several stages. This economy is linked directly to the simulation of major conflicts in a universe with dynamically-acting factions. Every player decision can dramatically change the future of the game universe. Step in and live your very own space adventure!

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Man, I miss your X4 content. Need more videos


It’s easy to do both ore and silicon on the same mining station. Make as many as you like around the area. Put them close together so they support each other and assign some fighters. Assign your mining ships. Mediums to start with, if you can.

This, so far, should be no surprise. The trick is to set the amounts they store locally to be small. Let’s say 15-30k depending on how many mining ships you assigned. They should have auto price for buy and selling at the mining stations.

THEN, you also have a storage depot that can contain as much as you want. Even millions of resources. The depot should NOT have auto pricing enabled and the buy order should be set to the highest. This way, all the resources should be flowing into the depot. The sell order can be at minimum.

Remember to set up each station’s blacklists so that they can trade only back and forth between the depot and the mining stations.


Mining is improved, but there is still that chance that miners get buggy and mine too much of 1 mineral and they get stuck not being able to sell it off. It's always Ore that gets me, when I actually need Silicon.


I will try this out. My solution has been to make multiple stations that create terran infrastructure. It works but is annoying to establish.


The "stations don't do well when you have two different solid or liquid refineries" is true for 4.0, but not so much true for 4.1 beta. The miners are much more intelligent in 4.1 about getting all the needed resources. You still may struggle to fill the need because of the super high amount of ore and silicon needed per hour for computronic substrate factories, but at least the miners will split their efforts getting both ore and silicon evenly now with the latest beta patch. Try out the beta and see for yourself. So your workaround by making mining stations that focus only on one solid resource are no longer necessary, they will work if you set to two or three or four solid resources, and the miners will get all of them.


just set the miners to automine then set the station price to high. as you're getting the money, it doesn't matter. this way they mostly always goto you first and if you are full, they'll sell to others instead of waiting around. works for me


For the longest time, I resisted heroically and did not build an "relay" station, because I wanted a slim property list (I have just the HQ, a shipyard and a small base on Earth orbit, to watch my "home" while I manage my empire). After asigning 26 Hokaido's to my shipyard and having silicon storage empty and ore containment full, I finally bite the bullet and built an "relay" station to colect silicon and methane. I select the option to sale only to my faction, the station is in the same sector with my shipyard, so things work well.
Now my question is, how do I remove the alert - asign trade ship to station? I have all types of containers (even for goods) asign 5 Baldric and still have the same alert.
Ahh...help :P


... So far I never really had a problem with it. But having such things might be a funny idea.


it doesn't work when I set my miner as trader, it seems the miner won't do sell the ore to my own sation


My computronic substrate station in asteriod belt was doing okay but always lacking silicon although I had like 6 L miners (all farming silicon in asteriod belt). I dropped ressource probes in savage spur to improve silicon yield. Now they all fly to savage spur but only mine ore.. :-(


Btw, thanks for your videos. Entertaining, informativ and short.


We really need transport ships that haul just solids or liquids.


Sorry for the necro post.

Will it work the same if you assign 1 miner as fleet leader and a few miners subordinate to mimic him and told him to mine 1 type of resources and sell it to ur station.


short videos sucks, I can't move the timeline and I can't zoom, I need watch the video again and again to see the excat part I want to check


Every aspect of Terrans looks broken... and playing with them is almost like cheating, their tech isolationism is an invite to wipe the entire universe.


I set up whole resource trade stations in resource-rich sectors. I would then have trading miners delivering or attached to production stations.
