Israel: Who is the Seed of Abraham? Genesis 12: 1-3

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Matt Eby provides a footnote to the discussion he is having with Gus Zuehlke, Mike Velner and Peter Helland over the theology that is behind America's foreign policy in the Middle East. In this show Matt explains his understanding of Genesis 12: 1-3 and how these scriptures help us understand what is meant by the "Seed of Abraham." Matt especially looks at these scriptures to see if there is a promise from God that the Jews would return to the land of Palestine and re-establish their nation. It is also mentioned how the Christian witness around the world is often harmed by the theology and behavior that comes from the dispensationalists or Christian Zionists. But not just Christian Zionists claim that God prophesied the Jews would return to Palestine but also the Puritans like Jonathan Edwards and later preachers such as Charles Spurgeon.
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the Jews in Israel don't follow the 10 commandments they follow the Talmud and the Kabalah and they worship Lucifer they have no right to any land and they are the seed of Satan.


Already, I want to make a comment before I have listened. God is spirit and he must be understood in spirit. The seed of Abraham is spiritual. Abraham turned his back on the idol worshiping society and walked away to find life elsewhere. This is primarily how God sees Abraham, and how he recognizes his seed. It isn't DNA. If you read the story of Abraham and want to leave the rotten society behind, you are the seed of Abraham. What else did God see in Abraham? He was hospitable to strangers. He argued with God to spare the lives of innocent strangers. When there was a dispute over land, he divided it fairly, and allowed Lot to choose which portion he preferred. Those are important spiritual qualities. Will God recognize people who don't display them. Jesus said to the Jews that if they were the seed of Abraham, they would do as he did. It couldn't be more obvious that the recognition is spiritual and moral, not genetic.


@53:30 Matt is correct...There is not one scintilla of scripture promising an earthly 3rd Temple. The Old Covenant ended at the cross. (actually, the night before- Luke 22:20).Old Covenant worship customs were still being practiced at the temple in Jerusalem. This would be soon terminated forever. During the AD mid-sixties, the author of Hebrews declared, "what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away".(Heb.8:13).Within the decade, it did vanish when, in AD70, the temple was razed with "not one stone left upon another" just as Jesus predicted in Matt.24:1-2. Old Covenant sacrifices have never been restored. That was it. The end. The Old Covenant era ended, and so did "the last days" of that era.


Wow. Thank you so very much. I just got cleared up of so many items.


True Israel was never about Flesh!

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:5. Look out for the DOGS, look out for the EVILDOERS, look out for those (OF THE CONCISION) who mutilate the flesh. For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) and put no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:2-3. [emphasis added by me] AMEIN!

Scripture identifies who the true Israel is: A promise to Abraham and to his seed, not seeds... Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is that seed. Messiah (the perfect Israel) imputed into us through faith, ''the hope of glory.'' Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Messiah. Galatians 3:16. That is, all of us in Yeshua (Jesus), ''the true Israel.'' Hallelujah! And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, (Yeshua the seed) and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: Romans 11:26. Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they ARE NOT all Israel, which are of (fleshly/national) Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. that is, they which are the CHILDREN OF THE FLESH, these ARE NOT the children of God: but the CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE are counted for the seed. Romans 9:6-8. Heb.11:13. For he IS NOT a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But HE IS a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, and not in the letter (FLESH); whose praise is not of men, but of God. Romans 2:28-29. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the ''Israel of God.'' Galatians 6:16. [emphasis added by me]

Pray for a ''peaceful'' dismantlement of the zionist state that arrogantly refers to itself as Israel. This nationalistic cult does not represent the blessedness of the Jewish people, their culture, their religion, nor their blessed ethnic heritage. Pray for the Jewish people, the Muslim people, and all peoples throughout the world. Also, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Land, is not what these religious people need. Yeshua (Jesus) is ''Who'' they need! For he (Abraham) looked for a city which hath foundations, WHOSE BUILDER AND MAKER IS GOD. Hebrews 11:10. The Almighty will build not the Israelis! Our coming Messiah will establish the New Jerusalem as His sanctuary capital exclusively for His Anointed Israel. It is not about a fleshly nationalistic state capital built by the hands of man as is taught by the contemporary premillennial heresy. The city of the New Jerusalem is destined, by the Almighty, to be the eternal capital of the new heavens and earth. And on that day, there will be peace forevermore.

Bo Yeshua Bo... Come Lord Jesus come...


Great show guys. God bless both of you for doing the good work of spreading the Gospel of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.


"We are saved by grace...through faith, and that not of ourselves lest any man should boast." Faith, is the result of regeneration, not the cause of it."


Genesis 26:5, the inheritance always hinged on obedience. Just because all God's Torah is not specifically written in full from the beginning, we see hints of His complete Torah in Genesis 1-11, including Genesis 2 where Adam is told that if he obeys, he will be blessed.


No comments. Seriously. Really? Well, thumbs up from me and a comment.


I’ve stumbled across your videos about a week ago. I’ve found them to be very interesting in light of main stream biblical teaching in this country which for the most part appears to push a Zionist push. I’m also very impressed as you understand who the seed is in Gen 12. My question comes at a comment that Matt made toward the end in that the abomination of desolation occurred at 70AD. Do you believe that we are in the millennial reign of Christ now?


The 'seed' of Abraham as the Messiah IS spoken of in ancient Jewish texts. I refer you to the book 'The Messiah texts', which explains why so many 'Jews' came to belief in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.


Who is the serpent seed crushed by the foot of the Holy Virgin (ref. Gen 3.15 & Jhn 8.48)?


"Who is the seed of Abraham?" (Why didn't I just type Galations 3:28-29?)


@ 42:50 Technically, "if you are in Christ you are a new creation"...eternal. Yes, we physically die but our spirit, if we are one with Christ will go directly to heaven upon physical death..."this mortal will put on immortality".


This about us being in the millennium is interesting to me. I think that is what he was saying. If this is the case. When did this millennium start? Also, what do you make of the temple spoken about in 2 Thess 2:4? Could this be when the Mark comes and Satan is able to dwell in the temple which is the Human body? Or simply the false Satanic Temple that the Jews want to build in Jerusalem? This teaching was great. I appreciate your discussions.


Is your Christocentric view of the bible limiting the "seed of Abraham" to the Jews and Christians? If so, you must know that Abraham had three wives, the offspring of which gave rise to the Judeao/Christian lineage AND to the lineage of Muhammed and the twelve Imams and a third line through Katura, his third wife, a complete third line of royalty. Why would you ignore two thirds of His "seed"?


How come in all his videos there is not a word about Jesus' favorite people??....THE and the puritans hate the can they love Jesus?


The streams of water came out of the side of Christ. His Church the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.


You need to review Gen 12, with eye for the diffrence between the you and ye. They mean 2 diffrent things, one is singular the other is plural. Eiother your a dispencationalst or your not Either dispencationalism is herecy or its not.


Are Jews the seed of Abraham?
Maybe a better question is who is Israel?
What about the Khazars?
Weren't Jews Judahites?
