Hopefully clips like this indicate we will get full videos of all the new songs' live versions
J'étais au 1er concert à Paris au café de la danse devant 500 personnes et j'ai eu le chance de les voir après le concerts et j'ai vu toutes les autres tournées en France sauf la dernière. un de mes groupes préférés et ils méritent bien leurs popularités ❤❤❤
Venu de Bordeaux à Rome pour voir ce magnifique concert!! Excellent !
I can't wait to see y'all in person one day. Literally my favorite band.
I wish I could go to a NOTHING BUT THIEVES concert U guys are my favvv band
Come on Nothing But Thieves a live album please ❤🎤🎶🎸
Gees how you have I used to get "who are they? never heard of them". Ahead of the curve - go you good thing.
My family went to see you recently in Melbourne but I couldn’t go 😭 you guys are amazing!
A Roma c'ero anche io ma purtroppo pessima acustica, e non era solo colpa del posto, perché ho visto altri concerti lì da anni e anni e non era così confusionario . Peccato perché io li adoro
Good stuff as always but they need to increase the vocals at their concerts can't quite hear it
Please tell me there've been made more recordings like this 😮❤