Logic Pro | How to map TEMPO to an audio region

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Logic Pro for iPad | How to analyze and apply the tempo of an audio file to a project in Logic Pro iPad.

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One of the most valuable Logic tips I’ve received on a you tube video. Thanks!


That’s impressive! A feature I didn’t know I needed, but I’ve got a future project where that will be useful.


Straight to the point, super helpful. Bless you my friend, I`ve been struggling a bit with tempo in logic. :D


Wooh! Logic pro is killin it. It's a must have


Great! Another audio track can follow thatTempo set by the first audio? Thanks!!!


Do you have any plans on doing tutorials for final cut pro for the iPad?


this is my first day messing around with pro logic, & as always, ur the only one who can do ipad music tutorials where i "get it"....i dont even plan on using the full range of stuff pro logic can do, im very basic....anyway, i might have missed it, but, the one thing im having trouble figuring out is...on garageband, u choose a bass guitar or a piano (software/built in instruments), & u click the little equalizer icon up top & the sidebar comes up whete u can adjust the bass, treble, & reverb levels....how in the heck do i do that exact thing on pro logic? im super tech-dumb, but ive been looking for it forever...thats all i need to know is how to "up the bass & reverb levels"....searching a tutorial for such a specific thing isnt easy for me, lmao!🙄....anyway, sorry so long-winded & thanks in advance, pete:)


WTF. That’s great. I’m sure it is also on the Mac version. I’ve got to learn about that. Thanks again Pete. 👍🙏


Is there a way to map out a click track and use it as its own channel for live purposes?


Hi pete, Quick question. What’s the difference between Flex Time and using the tempo analyser? And what would be the use cases? Thx


So, stay with me on this. You load two midi clips at different tempos, one at the project's tempo and one not. You convert the wrong tempo one to audio (keeping a copy of the original track), then match that audio to the project like in the video. Then midi stretch the original midi clip to the new audio. Wouldn't that allow you to accurately stretch midi of any tempo to match another clip? Midi stretch is great when it's by easy factors (half, double and so on) but can get guessy when it's not. Or is my tired brain thinking too much as it's late here. 😁


Please help! I recently upgraded from an earlier version (10.6.3 I think?) to 10.7.9 on my Mac. Previously, when I would import an audio file, I would right click on the region and select "Apply Region Tempo to Project Tempo" and it would magically assign a tempo to each individual measure of a song (so some measures might be 111 bpm, some might be 110, etc.) Now when I do this, the tempo 253 is assigned to the entire song. That happens no matter what the tempo of the audio file I imported is. I am desperate to figure out what I am doing wrong.


This is probably a dumb question. But how do you analyze your tempo ? Like when I click on my track (not from an imported audio) but from a midi recording I used ? Maybe I’m so lost. But the tempo analyzer button doesn’t show up for tracks I played using my midi controller
