Good stuff all around, we do need more mech games on the market and i hope yours will help that along the way a bit XD
Great stuff, really adds to the game 👍
Heyyy, this is nicely dialing in the salvage system, as a couple versions ago I had a pokemon-collection of mechs, and the most recent previous versions introducing the "Wrecked" mechs system made it too hard to salvage 'mechs... This gives us separate repairs for our rigs, and hopefully gives us a healthier supply of incoming mechs to either add to our Columns or sell for cold hard cash!
As you can see though, it's very hard to keep your team from overkilling the enemy!
Great patch, i bought the patreon version of the game so enjoying what`s available atm. This update fixes my main gripe with the game when getting new mechs was such a hassle. How long will it be before this becomes available for patreon version of the game?
I have been playing the MM steam demo a lot, and I was wondering where I can best give my input and criticisms?
great game hope you can get rid of the ai art at some point though