Unique Loading Animation #shorts #short #code

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Video Description:
Unique Loading Animation
How did it start?:
Well, I'm Vicky. Back around 2015, I always want to see myself as a YouTuber on YouTube. Somehow I'm able to create a channel for the WhatsApp status as a vworldyt channel name on YouTube.The only problem is it is not my content as you know about WhatsApp status, we use other singers' songs and that time is going so viral that YouTube changed its policy. For every video, you get the copyright. In my case, even though I only get some copyright, I deleted most of the videos and decided to learn something new. After investing 2 to 3 years in it, I made a channel Rich PHP on YouTube to share my knowledge with other people. And start uploading videos on YouTube. The first coding video that I uploaded to YouTube is on April 14, 2022, about installing LAMP Stack on Ubuntu without voiceover. And the first voiceover video that was uploaded after recording the voice for thousand times for video is installed XAMPP on Ubuntu on May 4, 2022.
Programming language:
I am already a computer guy who loves computer hardware and always wants to know how it works. I'm already working on programming languages. Learning programming is frustrating for me, I'm not too patient. And to learn programming languages, you need to be patient because it can take up to 1 or 2 years to learn a programming language. Not just one programming language you have to learn 3 to 4 programming languages along with the language you select (PHP, Python, or any other programming language) to build your software. So, Finally, I select PHP as a back-end programming language because on the internet when you search which programming language is simple to learn you get two names python and PHP. With PHP, you must learn MySQL, HTML, CSS, and, JavaScript to construct a website.
Quality Code:
The code that you write must have flow and quality. This thing you understand after two to three years of coding. Having a good quality code is what counts most for me. So after coding for nearly two years unmannerly. I decide to get some of my trademarks into my code and start writing clean, easy, and quality code. Meanwhile, I found PHP PDO which I love the most right now. And start learning PDO it provides the code security that you want. Also, Start to learn PHP security for software security.
Having website:
After I feel like I can do it or handle everything by myself like the server and all codes. I decide to have a website that shows my work and also a website that keeps you occupied. You always think about what you can do new things for the site and make it more impressive. And you always learn new things just by using your website. As I see this as a good thing for my career without thinking about it, I start working on a website.
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