No Man's Sky Worlds Part 1 - Is It Worth It for New Players in 2024?

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Is the Worlds Part 1 Update for No Man's Sky worth it for new players in 2024? Renfail answers the question as he talks about his experience through his first 40 hours of gameplay exploring No Man's Sky as a new player, covering some of the pros, cons, and caveats to consider if you want to try No Man's Sky for the first time in 2024.


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One of things that really takes NMS to the next level, is the experience of multiple playthrus. Your first character is a learning experience and until you get around to a second playthru, knowing what you know now, really changes the game in a way that I've never experienced anywhere else. Unlike games with a new game+ that adds stuff or increases difficulty, the experience in NMS changes because of what YOU know the second time around.


Keep up the awesome work! You should get a scope mod for your gun to zoom in to target better.


Thanks for the video. Interesting commentary. Just started playing because of your Playthrough.


I came back for a new save in Worlds part 1 and I’ve really enjoyed using the custom difficulty settings to reduce some of the grind on keeping your stuff recharged and focusing more on just building and exploring everything the game has to offer.


Imagine what a nightmare it would be trying to find what you need if every Space Station was laid out differently. Careful what you wish for!😁


I think I've mentioned it in another video before, but I'm glad all the space stations are laid out identically. When you're grinding and jumping all over the universe it's useful to know exactly where you're going in a space station. It is admittedly a bit dull, but if the layout was always random it would be infuriating trying to find the right vendor, or guild desk, or ship outfitter lol. Just my take on it.


I find watching your videos playing nms far more entertaining than playing it. I'm properly like you Ren I just not get into base building, resource collecting games. I really need to push myself beyond my comfort zone and try to give it a chance. 😉


Oh my God in the first novel of a comment that I wrote I forgot to say for the first time today on the planet I have my main base a storm kicked up and it wasn't like the storms I've been in before this storm literally picked me up off the ground and almost brought me out of the atmosphere and then drop me to my desk it was it was insane I laughed my ass off


Before you build on a spot that might have grass, you can use the terrain manipulator to get rid of grass/flatten the land/smooth out the ground before building so you don’t get grass poking through your launch pads. There is also risers or small slabs of concrete before you build


Played the crap out of NMS in VR. It was freaking awesome.


Definitely worth it now. I have never been able to get into all these years of owning it and finally started it up last week due to seeing the Worlds Part 1 trailer, and I'm now 25 hrs in and really loving it.

I didn't know you could build massive bases, acquire Freighter ships, and Frigates, etc. The exploration, and "Space Game" experience is incredible. It's what Starfield should have been.

Definitely has a learning curve. So much technical stuff with your Multitool, Starship, and Exosuit alone, and then learning a lot of the systems can be daunting, but if you put time into it, this game is really next level. I'm working on building up my base at the freighter and upgrading my starship and such.

Really cool game. HIGHLY recommended now if you put time and patience into it.


Is It Worth It?? ... 1000% YES!

For £25 - 30 ($30-40) ... there are thousands of hours of gameplay.

It's a world/universe unlike any other.

Similarities; Yes, but provides such freedom of play, with no necessity to progress other than the here and now ... I find it very relaxing.

It's a freaking masterpiece. It really is.


I have downloaded an uninstalled this game probably a dozen times and over the last 8 years and could never manage to get myself into it

However last week I downloaded it I changed the options to put it on creative mode free crafting you know the whole nine yards just to play around with the building aspect

Immediately fell in love with this game I have crafted bases I like doing them underwater starting above ground then going way way into the sides of mountains and then under lakes I mean it's wild man what you can do is wild and I freaking love it so I've got my sandbox save and then I've got my regular play the game vanilla the way you're supposed to save

So I am now into No Man's sky I can't believe starfield turned out the way it did when this game which is 8 years old with a small development team and not even close to the amount of money has a seamless universe that you can literally fly thousands of planets and fly into the atmospheres and the planets are diverse different biomes and the base building is insane like how in the hell did starfield turn out the way it did?

why didn't starfield take all of the building and exploration and space mechanics of No Man's sky and just add it to their shipbuilding and their NPCs and quest lines if they had combined the two of those it would have been the greatest freaking game in the history of the games

Because even though I now get no man's sky and I like it it does have a major downfall which is the the quest lines the NPCs the story it's like it's really not really there and I know that's not what it's about but like I feel like the world is kind of dead and empty you know what I mean like there's no point to what I'm doing if they could just combine some sort of oh man I'm telling you starfield could have been amazing if they had just not been Bethesda anyway I digress sorry for rambling


In my primary save, i have maxed out my faction for the 3 common guilds, so each station gives me access to 6 free or discounted items, because i am constantly doing missions! I often stock up on the kill creature, kill hostile animals and kill Sentinel missions and killing stuff for the missions counts for all of that type of mission! Five kill 15 animal missions can be done with killing 15 animals, and the parts you get from killing the animal can be processed into making them worth more!
The interior of space stations come in 3 varieties the normal stations, the Pirate stations and the abandoned stations(the design of the space stations when originally released)!
The Frigates can be used to send on Frigate missions from your freighter and can provide a lot of money and items from the missions! You also can get stuff from some of your frigates when you land on them, if they don't need repairs! You can have a total of 30 frigates ranked from S to C class, but as the complete missions the can rank up in levels!


I really hope in the next world‘s update whenever that might be, we see actual biomes on the planet surface rather than it being the same biome all over. That’s one thing I think Starfield does better than No Man’s Sky when it comes to the planet surface, most planets have multiple biomes with some animals and plant life being exclusive to certain biomes. Also rivers and waterfalls would be nice additions.


I'm at 357 hours, been playing for about a year and a half. Well worth the $60 cost of the game. I know I'll be playing this game for a long time to come...and plenty of enjoyable stuff yet to do and explore.


Been playing about a month exploring everything there is to do. It's so easy to get sidetracked in this game. Found out yesterday when you name your base if you already have the same name the new base with same name will be the only one that shows up on your teleport list. Changing the name will show both locations again but i've been playing a month and just noticed this.i found two Indium C mineral deposits and have been labeling my mining locs the same way. Some annoying things to figure out but im having lots of fun exploring the game. I got sucked up into a storm yesterday for the first time that was new and crazy.
NMS was recommended because i play Satisfactory. it's a great craft/build exploration game so NMS is right up my alley.
I turned off pvp but i'm used to single player games and i want to learn the game before i compete.. i'm finding new systems and planets in the beginning galaxy that is 8 years old. The game is very big.


Thank you for this review. I’m here at 8/9/24 wanting to get the game. Im worried it will be a waste because of release debacle. Thank you


This game was empty its more alive then ever now love this game been playing since day one


Now that you have a freighter, you can hire pilots at trading posts and space stations to hang out with your freighter. When you get into a space battle, they'll automatically zoom in beside you and help out. The frigates that you hire will go out and do missions for you if you build the fleet command room on your freighter (you can build more than one so that you can have multiple groups of frigates out on missions). The frigate missions will bring you back loads of goodies and you get little stories from them about what happened on their missions when you debrief them.
