Hospital at Home for COVID-19: What We've Learned and What We're Learning
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The COVID-19 public health emergency has spurred an acute need for hospital at home programs. Two years after the start of the pandemic, we continue to learn about best practices for COVID Hospital at Home.
While specific medical treatments for COVID are in rapid flux, best clinical practices for COVID care in Hospital at Home are evolving. These practices include: creating capacity for COVID patients, training staff on PPE use in patients’ homes, notifying and coordinating with vendors delivering care to COVID patients’ homes, monitoring COVID patients remotely with adequate technology. These areas continue to pose challenges, as well as opportunities for innovation, for Hospital at Home programs.
In this webinar, speakers reflect on the lessons learned from treating COVID patients in the past, how they are implementing these lessons into their programs, and how they are preparing for the future.
Linda V. DeCherrie, MD
Vice President, Clinical Strategy and Implementation
Medically Home
Michael J. Maniaci, MD
Enterprise Physician Lead, Advanced Care at Home
Medical Director, Mayo Clinic Hospital in Florida
Constantinos Michaelidis, MD, MBA, MS
Medical Director, Hospital at Home, UMass Memorial Health
Faculty Member, Program in Digital Medicine, UMass Medical School
While specific medical treatments for COVID are in rapid flux, best clinical practices for COVID care in Hospital at Home are evolving. These practices include: creating capacity for COVID patients, training staff on PPE use in patients’ homes, notifying and coordinating with vendors delivering care to COVID patients’ homes, monitoring COVID patients remotely with adequate technology. These areas continue to pose challenges, as well as opportunities for innovation, for Hospital at Home programs.
In this webinar, speakers reflect on the lessons learned from treating COVID patients in the past, how they are implementing these lessons into their programs, and how they are preparing for the future.
Linda V. DeCherrie, MD
Vice President, Clinical Strategy and Implementation
Medically Home
Michael J. Maniaci, MD
Enterprise Physician Lead, Advanced Care at Home
Medical Director, Mayo Clinic Hospital in Florida
Constantinos Michaelidis, MD, MBA, MS
Medical Director, Hospital at Home, UMass Memorial Health
Faculty Member, Program in Digital Medicine, UMass Medical School