NLP LECTURE: SPEED ATTRACTION - How To Make Someone Love You In 20 Minutes Or Less

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Renegade Romance Part 2 - A Special Presentation Teaching Women And Men How To make someone attracted or even love you in as little as 15 minutes using three magic hypnotic questions.

Real Street Level NLP for getting the Love you've always wanted and understanding your lovers better. Ethically, Honestly and Authentically!

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Please watch: "Mind Control Skills: Face Reading How To Read Anyone Instantly Through Body Language Psychology "

0:00 Introduction. 3 magic questions.
3:18 *Level 1: Location/occasion. Shit tests. Be a challenge.*
9:34 *Level 2: Career/passion. Give them their own words. Identity value.*
28:34 *4 states. Avoid yes or no questions.*
35:36 Woman asks how to be more approachable.
40:18 *"What's your opinion on women approaching men?"*
46:30 Level 3: Past pleasant childhood experiences.
50:30 *The problem with giving too much too soon as a woman. Women's thinking vs. men's thinking.*
59:20 *Use their words to describe your experience.*
1:06:40 Approach/approachability.
1:12:13 *Some rules outlive their usefulness.*
1:15:27 Focus on positive experiences.
1:16:26 *Women don't want to be the center of your life. Indirect invitations to interact.*
1:20:54 *Women's way of getting attention from men they like but their peers don't. Posture. Eye contact.*
1:25:40 *Key attraction figure. Indirect invitations to interact. Approaching.*
1:31:53 *Let her vent.*
1:36:51 Ad.


I love how the lady @ around 36:00 asked how she could be more approachable. This shows how much women want to be approached (in a correct/respectful way of course) and why men should not be afraid of approaching. On the contrary, men should embrace their impulse to approach women and go for it. Even the man that is rejected, will be held to a higher standard than if he did not approach.


#1 - ask an open ended question related to the location or what brought them there 
#2 - career/passion/what excites them (soften with "I'm curious" or a reason why you're asking) 
    - what inspired you to become ____
   - repeat back sequence of words or movements they lean on
#3 - when you tell your "me too" experience, use the same word sequence they used. 


I’ve been unconsciously doing this at work (bartender). I didn’t realise this is the result. I was always just trying to make them feel good about themselves.


Amazing video. I'll use to have a great next date with my wife of 36 years. We met when she was 14 and I was 15. Our love gets more amazing every year:) And I love putting effort into making her happy


"Every time you see someone with that type of body language, that kind of reticence to get involved with the group, you need to stand up and introduce yourself. Because you know what that feels like. And you need to save them"



Years ago I went to this VERY big gala that my friend and I had no business attending! We were mixing with Hollywood people, political figures and major money investors from around the world. We did this technique without ever knowing it! We just asked questions and let the other person talk ..all night! A week later the hostess called me to say how many people had commented on her” fantastic friends who were such great conversationalists!! “ lol
This is Dale Carnegie How to Make Friends and Influence People!!—I took the course and a life saver! The book is a classic and the info is INVALUABLE! My life is asking questions...and the love you get back is astounding! Try this!!!!


boyfriend comes home from work.

me: hey, what brought you here today?


Some folks have asked me why I transcribe David's videos. I do it because I am slightly hard of hearing and by having to transcribe them, I get to see and hear (many times) What David is teaching. I am forced to study, and do my homework, as it were, and actually learn the subject well enough to go out and demonstrate it to my local NLP group. That's why I do it. So I can do it. If someone is really an interested student, I will share my crib notes. And truthfully I only get a handful of requests for each video's transcript.. But mostly it's for me. There is no software for this. It is all done by hand and takes 3 hours of my time for about ten minutes of video. So it takes me many days to do a single video. And yes I have now transcribed about 180 of Davids videos. Not all of them I will share.


I just realized I’m watching his videos on psychology because I like his personality while presenting it! God he got me good


I learned more that I can use from this lecture than my college communication class.


I literally watched this and walking to the shop i had a gorgeous girly hair flick as she drew near, i grinned and gave a little eyebrow raise, got a beaming smile back. Id usually study the floor. Made me feel good, her too as she went from shy to beaming right back at me. Probably never see her again but was very good! Might just go for a wander round town tomorrow but will have to chill out on the grinning and eyebrow raises in-case people assume i have tourettes...:) thank-you!


That's a very good question. If you are referring to step three of the 3 magic questions protocol, In the context of dating and relationships and especially on a first date,   ideally you would change the subject and remove that person as a potential dating or mating partner.  Remember 3MQ is a dating and attraction protocol specifically designed to generate attraction while simultaneously evoking and eliciting information about the person so that the operator can make an informed choice as to the suitability of the subject as a potential partner.

I really can't stress that part enough. When we use 3 mq in a dating context we are NOT signing up to get into a less than optimal relationship. If you ask someone to talk about their most pleasant childhood experiences and the first thing they come up with to someone they are with for the first time all about sexual trauma, abuse or anything even remotely similar, my advice is to eject unless you really want to deal with the drama and baggage this person is bringing to the relationship.

A. Because the person isn't giving you the information you asked for (strike one)
B. They Are Giving you Information You Didn't Ask For (Strike Two)
C. They Will Bring all of that "baggage" into any relationship you create and you'll be the one who has to deal with it.(Strike Three)

Sounds Harsh, even to me as  I write it, but remember dating and relating is about finding the people who make your life better. If the person doesn't meet that criteria, the both of you are better off moving on.

Hope that helps.

Your friend,



So I decided to use this protocol on one of my college friends that I dont get to see very often. And I was amazed, she was the one that did most of the speaking during our entire interaction. Most of what I did was just return some of her words. There were like a moment or two in which the conversation went silent though. But what I did was ask another open ended question, like about her career(or in this case, what she was studying). For example, we were talking about an art class of hers for a while and then it went silent for like 5'seconds, which I proceeded with something along lines of "By the way, I wanted to ask, are you still in (insert random major)?". And thus it started another conversation for like 15 minutes, until I had to go to my calculus class.


when someone can make me actually write notes they are a genius in their field (i never write notes)


He was so good at teaching this I didn’t notice he had a watch on each wrist until an hour in...or maybe a magic jewel, good job Dr.


So there i lunch yest and listen to this ....I've heard stuff like this before but then have trouble practicing it. So i took notes on a paper towel. Later i went to my second job where a new coworker asked me to go have a drink and a bite after work. Great! My opportunity to put this into action. He had mentioned earlier that he had written a book and had to speak to his publisher. So while we were out i stated out our convo asking " tell me more about your book, what drove you to write it" .
I repeated his words as he spoke with such passion and drive. He never shut up all night and went from one passion he had to another. Broke out his phone. Showed me pic after pic of all his interests. It was nice cause i didn't have to carry the convo. At some points i stopped listening and my mind wandered but he kept going and i caught up later.
Thanks i learned alot. ♡


I've been an ESL teacher for over 10 years, and I always wondered why some students always wanted to have classes with me instead of my colleagues. Now I know; I've always cared about people around me, and always asked these type of questions, just didn't know what I was actually doing. Now I get it! It's kind of funny.
Thanks a lot David.   


There is this woman that I have been triing to talk to online, just used your say her words reply and she wrote back instantly, wow, this guy is good, Thanks David


I love this guy’s personality. I learned quite a bit too. Thank you.
