Redux Toolkit Tutorial #2 Redux Toolkit Tutorial Introduction

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Redux Toolkit Tutorial introduction
Introduction to Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit is an opinionated, official package from the Redux team that is designed to simplify and streamline the process of managing state in a Redux-based application. It aims to solve several common challenges and complexities associated with using Redux and provides a set of best practices and utilities to improve the development experience.

Redux is a popular state management library for JavaScript applications, especially when working with React. However, using Redux often involves writing a significant amount of boilerplate code for actions, reducers, and store setup. Redux Toolkit helps reduce this boilerplate and offers the following key features:

Simplified Store Configuration: Redux Toolkit provides the configureStore function, which simplifies the setup of your Redux store. You don't need to write much configuration code for middleware, enhancers, or dev tools.

Reducers with Immer: Redux Toolkit uses the Immer library, which allows you to write reducers in a more intuitive, mutable style, while under the hood, it ensures immutability. This makes writing reducers less error-prone and easier to understand.

Automated Action Types: You don't have to manually define action types. Redux Toolkit generates action types based on the names of your action creators.

"Slices" for Reducers: Redux Toolkit encourages the use of "slices," which are small, self-contained pieces of your state and reducer logic. Each slice combines the reducer function and action creators for a specific part of the application state.

Thunks and Async Logic: It provides built-in support for asynchronous actions and side effects using "thunks" through the createAsyncThunk function.

DevTools Integration: Redux Toolkit works seamlessly with the Redux DevTools Extension, making it easier to inspect and debug your application's state and actions.

How Redux Toolkit Is Different Than the Redux CorePlease do like share and comment if you like the video please do hit like and if you have any query please write it comment box

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Рекомендации по теме

I was wondering, will you eventually go over RTK Query, and how to deal with web sockets? So far, great explanations!
