'Announcing Saddleback’s New Senior Pastor' with Pastor Rick Warren

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After a one-year search, Pastor Rick announced that he has found the next Senior Pastor of Saddleback — Pastor Andy Wood! This week, for a special service, Pastor Rick shares the journey of finding his successor and introduces Andy and Stacie Wood, who share how they gave their “Yes” to Jesus. Kay Warren also takes a moment to answer some general questions that may arise and what is next for her and Pastor Rick at Saddleback!

Connect with Rick!


Thank you Pastor Rick
For your many years of dedication to Saddleback
Your teachings and your book
Purpose Driven Life got me through the pandemic and gave me hope and purpose again when I was suffering with depression and God brought me to you.
Thank you Pastor Rick
I will miss you dearly.
God bless you


Some of Pastor Rick's sermons have helped me through the darkest times in my life. You have been a great teacher and know it is equally as hard for us to let go of you also. Thank you for all you have done and allowing God to use you to touch so many lives mine included. God bless you, Andy, and Saddleback.


I hope and pray you continue to teach...God bless you and the new pastor of Saddleback


Praise God! I prayed many times for this.


Good morning! Saddleback church.. Pastor Rick Warren.. you have done an amazing work for the Lord. 🙏🙏 it was a blessing on my 50th bday I was in California visiting my daughter and she attended Saddleback church at that time.. my bday was on a sunny that day we we went. 🙏🙏 may the good Lord bless you and Kate and family. Congratulations on the new Pastor 👏 ❤️ all the way from west Texas,


Love ye and you have helped me in the worst of times when I was struggling hard. Thank you so so much. God bless ye in every way in Jesus name Amen 👏👏❤️❤️🙌🙌


Thank you both for your guidance and helping me find God in the word. You helped me find my faith during the pandemic . God bless you and your family.


You have always been my favorite preacher and your book has helped me a lot.It was such an amazing book that God used to transform my life, my perspective and even my own personal realtionship with God.I am so blessed with your life Pastor.Sending love.. your book 'Purpose Driven Life' was always the most inspiring, encouraging, life transforming for me.Thank you for writing that book for all of us, me included I know it was not an accident that I have read it.Thank you for such an amazing inspiration to all christian believers.Thank you Pastor!❤️🙏


Father God we thank n praise You for You are good n Your loving kindness endured forever.amen.
Be it Pastor Rick Warren, Pastor Andy Wood n other beloved pastors, the battle is the Lord, purposely chose to trust, praise n thank Father God in advance, surely He is faithful He will protect n defend His beloved children. Amen.


Im from San Jose California and I love watching pastor Rick


Just as I am coming Pastor Warren my email & phone # is not working correctly. Can you help I live in the Windy City help me connect.I want to meet Pastor Dr. Rick Warren.


I am so sad 😭 you will be gone. You got me through so much! Thank you so much.


I love listening to Pastor Rick lm in Australia and just found the fifty days of transformation so good helped me through a hard time my fiance passing from sudden stroke helped me so much with grief and learning to turn it around and be thankful to Lord for the time l had him in my life and the peace l started to feel was so healing and always share to friends who are struggling 🙏 Then to my surprise a man l know from the shops gave me one of his books at that time which l really felt l was meant to be listening to him


I’m so sad! Your words, your passion was a great comfort since a long time! I wish you the best and please don’t disappear ...your words are so comforting...I will miss you a lot...you taught us by example...your purpose driven life...is my safe house In my darkest days...you are here...thank you so much. You have said...the change is inevitable, I know...but still hurts...I’m struggling to accept that I have to continue my life without my husband since last July...I’m always struggling...I’m so exhausted...Nevertheless...I will be thankful I met you and your teaching eternally...my best wishes and gratitude may follow you and your family.


Thank you for your sermons and encouragement for more than 4 decades, pastor Rick. You’ll be missed. God bless you & Kay.


Thank you for all your work for Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren, you have changed many lives through your messages, I just can say thank you .God Bless You.


I’m really grateful to our God, that Pastor Rick and his wife helped me a lot through my life right now. I’m learning and I wanna learn more and know the God’s purpose for me here in this world.


Discernment/GOD is God's gift and key to so many blessings. GOD deserves all the Glory. Missed that at the onset of this announcement. Sad


So glad to find Pastor Rick Warren's sermons about family, etc. very timely and helpful.Thank you for serving your people well, even us who do not belong to your church.


Thank You Pastor Rick

Hope you well in every endeavor!

July 14 2022
