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Throughout our lives we all make promises, pledge oaths and take vows. Sometimes to a partner, like the bride in this video's painting, sometimes to a company or even country. These commitments help us understand what's expected of us and when in doubt provide a framework for us to follow. As a conservator I to take a vow, 13 of them in fact and they're called the code of ethics. In this video I will explore that governing document as I work to conserve this painting.
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The four horsemen of the conservation apocalypse: Staples, contact cement, retouching using oil paint, and Polyurathane.


"Not just giving everyone something to fall asleep to"
I felt so called out by that 😂 I am genuinely interested in what he does but he has such a soothing voice.


"I'm not angry, I'm just...bummed."
Strong disappointed parent vibes radiate from this sentence.


people don't fall asleep watching your videos because they're boring, they fall asleep because they find your voice comforting. personally I feel safe and even loved while watching your videos, like a father talking to a child while they fall asleep. my father wasn't around much when I was a child, and when he was he was usually yelling. I find gentle male voices comforting, as it was something I missed out on as a child. I'm sure you're an amazing father, I have no doubt that the patience you have for your work bleeds heavily into fatherhood. your son is very lucky to have a father like you.


"I need to do everything in my power to treat this painting respectfully" (continues to cover bride in fish goop)


Julien: “Contact cement”
Me: *audible gasp* 😱😱😱😱
Husband: “Are…..you…..okay?”


Well dang Julian, you may not be interested in writing papers, but beyond being a great conservator you're definitely one heck of a wordsmith as well!


There's just something so satisfying about watching him crease the fabric fold with the tacking hammer (on the back of the painting). Makes me happy every time.


The jewels literally GLITTER. How does someone have SO MUCH talent to paint diamonds so well?


I am from Slovakia, and it made me so happy to see a painting from my country in your studio! I love the Bratislava castle detail in the background.


"The linen canvas was saturated with rabbit skin glue" Ah, yes, as expected, your typical bonding agent- "It was contact cement" I'm sorry WHAT


"seeing her...and maybe, her seeing me..." what a poet Julian!!!


My friends, I present to you the Thirteen Vows of the Baumgartner Fandom:

01. Staples are inferior. Inappropriate. Unnecessary. Completely verboten.
02. The word polyurethane is hereby banned, for it triggers us.
03. We only retouch where paint has been lost.
04. Paintings do not have patina.
05. All work must be reversible.
06. You had me at washi kozo.
07. Bad conservation must and will be viciously roasted.
08. We know the ad is coming. We know this. Yet it will surprise us every. single. time.
09. We shall henceforth refer to our fingers solely as “very sophisticated, space-age technology.”
10. Anytime we dare to say, “that color doesn’t match, ” we shall be proven wrong five seconds later.
11. Duke Hamilton and the Dutchman are the mascots of the studio.
12. The hour of 2 a.m. is sacred and shall be observed in bed, shoving snacks into our faces, and calling prior conservators fucking amateurs.
13. Julian Baumgartner is a goddamned wizard.

Please do suggest additional vows or include anything I've missed!


Julian is the embodiment of the saying "the standard you walk past is the standard you accept". Haven't seen him walk past much. Keep on educating us mere mortals about the high standards of conservation please.


My favourite thing in every episode is the magnetic tack hammer. I'm a simple man.


I am a custom framer and I have learned new tricks and ways to help keep art preserved in a better way from watching Julian. I am so grateful that he makes these videos. Hopefully I am achieving a great standard of work and any conservator will not curse my name one day if they conserve anything I have framed. Lol


Did anyone else's heart stop when the red paint started transferring to the towel? Thank heavens for Julian's calm "I'm not concerned and I'll tell you why"


I'm currently studying conservation/restoration degree and it's really interesting to see how the legislation and ethics change between countries regarding intervention criteria.
It's always a pleasure to see you work with such delicacy and knowledge. I, as an art restorer in the making, look up to you and aspire to one day be as professional as you are today :)


"Not just giving everybody something to fall asleep to"

I feel personally attacked by this one 😂


As a painter and former custom framer, I say it’s absolutely important to have the back look as nice as the front.

Also, I wish I would have known about this code of ethics back when I was framing. I think it would have come in handy even though we weren’t conservators.
