The Four Contenders within Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail

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Whelp, with everything we understand about the heirs to the Dawnservant it's time to discuss who you'll be seeing and what they may be like in the coming expansion! Is Wuk Lamat going to be the only one you're curious to see more of, or will the other heirs pique your interest? Let me know in the comments bellow!

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Primary Sources:
Video Games-
FinalFantasy XIV Online

Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume I
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume II
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume III

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FinalFantasyXIV, The Lodestone/Sidestory
FFXIV, Letter from the Producer
Published FFXIV Brand Art Books

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Really hoping Wuk lamats drive to be Dawn servent isn't just "I wanna make everyone happy" and she actually really constructs her claim


As a famous lizard once said, "I yeild to none!" and as my Xaela is also red I have to agree it.


I will not be surprised if two of the contenders for the throne team up and work together to win. Maybe Wuk Lamat and Koana. Having two co-leaders is similar to having a two-headed leader after all.


A wild wild shot here, the Mamool Ja is a artificial species like the Ixali.
They were made strong enough to withstand the calamity and left outside the vault.
The dawn servant is the one with the power to unlocked the vault once the world is "safe-enough".


Dawn SERVANT!!! Thank you, all this time I thought it was the "Dawn SERPENT" ... I think I just had viper on the brain...


In an ideal world, and assuming present knowledge is accurate... I'd say Zoraal Ja for Dawnservant, Wuk Lamat to head of Landsguard or similar position where she can develop, and Koana to a chief advisor position in Zoraal Ja's court to temper the rate of advancement. Bakool Ja Ja wins one (1) free asskicking courtesy of the WoL, with possibly more in the future!


Logically I would have sided with Koana, but he I feel is lacking for the cultural aspect of everyone, seeing ahead but not seeing the whole picture. So in all, I think us siding with Wuk Lamat is not a bad choice. Out of the four, the likely winner I would say might be Zoraal Ja and Koana assuming nothing happens to them.


Wuk Lamat seems to have her heart in the right place, but we've seen what good intentions with naivete can lead to. She'd need trustworthy comrades to notice when details don't line up and someone is being suspiciously useful all of a sudden. That's why Erenville is a good counterbalance; he's the yin energy to Wuk's yang energy.

Koana has a dream for the future, but I fear that his drive to modernize Tural will meet with resistance if he tries to force it in a short time span. If people think they have no place in the future of their own nation, they may peacefully leave or attempt to sabotage efforts to change everything.

Zoraal Ja sounds capable enough as the head of the peacekeeping force, but how would he adapt to political maneuvering? Where does he want to take his nation into the future?

Bakool Ja Ja is my absolute last pick for possible ruler. His attitude towards anyone lacking two heads bodes ill for a nation made up of different races. Maybe he'll be the antagonist that brings the other three together so they realize that no one of them is perfect to rule alone.


As it currently stands, my vote would be for Zoraal Ja.
The thing about Koana is that their vision could be accomplished to some degree without being leader of the nation. Bakool Ja Ja is out of the question cuz more war. As for Wuk Lamat, her heart is in the right place but time will tell if she matures into a capable leader. So for the time being, I'd go with the guy who's got a proven track record for keeping people safe.


So my money is on Zoraal Ja winning the thone. Based off of the description; he seems like someone who would have the best interests of the nation in mind. and will be thinking about the CONSEQUENCES of the actions that may or may not be needed to achieve them. Wuk is too headstrong and idealistic .... she reminds me of Lyse from SB a bit too much. The miqote brother seems as you pointed out a bit too ready to sweep aside everything that gives a people an identity; all for the sake of progress. Zoraal being the head of the defense force; will know how to take measured responses. I can see him forming alliances for the good of his people.... maybe even taking on one of his siblings as a partner in the government to help advance their country.


If we were actually given a choice, I would go with Zoraal Ja. Zoraal feels like he is the first son of Gulool Ja Ja, and given that he is commander he would have the leadership skills to rule. Wuk Lamat seems too much like a child trying to become ruler too fast, given what we have seen of her already.
As for Koana and Bakool Ja Ja, I have a feeling these two are going to be somewhat the antagonists of the expansion. Bakool Ja Ja will the starting antagonist in the contest portion of the story, but when we hit the Solution-9 section of the story I feel that Koana will more than likely be the cause of the second threat in the story given his drive for technology.


My bet is that Wuk Lamat and Koana end up ruling together and serving basically the same function as the two heads; one being strength oriented and the other being mindful. It would be the most neatly handled way of replacing that kind of leader and having the "rivalry" not tear everyone apart.


Look, I know she's a shounen protgonist archetype. But Wuk Lamat is my new QUEEN, and I pledge my gunblade to her as Nakama. I will go to the ends of Etheriys and Beyond (and I very much likely will) for that woman.

I also trust the writers to give her enough character development to truly come into her own.


Honestly, I think we got dragged into helping Wuk Lamat because of the twins. At least, my WoL ended up that way. She wanted to stay out of this fight. We literally just met Wuk Lamat, and my WoL has gotten, shall we say, cynical of people’s true motives. So right now, we’re on a “trust but verify” allegiance with Wuk Lamat. Don’t want her to become another Ilberd.


Thank you for taking the time to explain the lore. You explain in such rich detail. Your channel deserves many more views!


Honestly, having this information laid out made me wonder if there will be a single Dawn Servant at the end of the expansion; all of the candidates have good positions, while also having a glaring issue, with Wuk Lamat’s issue being a lack of experience. Most likely, Wuk Lamat ends up in charge after learning from the others, but I can also see this ending in a council ruling Tural; it wouldn’t be the first nation to be left heavily reformed in the Warrior of Light’s wake.


I'd rather serve Wuk Lamat. Yes, she's naive, but we all start somewhere. An inexperienced leader is far less destructive than a malicious one. Koana is intelligent yes, but attempting to force progress on a society often leads to disaster. Its possible we might end up with another Allagan Empire under his rule, and we all know how that turned out.
Zoraal Ja is indeed powerful, but as history often tells us, military commanders more often than not, don't make for a good leader of a nation, as the two positions need vastly different approaches to carry out their responsibilities. Bakool JaJa wants to plunge the entire nation back into war. It doesn't matter if its part of his culture or not, throwing the entire nation of Tural back into endless conflict with other nations is nothing more than senseless violence that has no point to it.


I'd fight for Koana. A civilization cannot thrive without technological development. And it's easier to work towards the future while keeping an eye on the past, than it is to forge a future out of nothing, or drag the past into the future.

Though I feel like either Wuk Lamat will win, or a governing council will be formed in place of the former monarchy (which is a disinteresting copout, in my opinion).


Koana, good to have a vision for the future. I'm already calling it that he ends up the Dawn Servant, I've a feeling that Wuk Lamat will realize she's not ready for the position during Dawntrail's story and will continue to adventure with us instead.


My guess (could be total BS, but still)

Wuk Lamats - Will probably go through a character development where we will help evolve into a good leader.
Koana - Will seem friendly, but would actually be the secret villain. He has good intention that will lead him to be willing to cheat and sacrifice anything and anyone for his goals.
Zoral Ja - Will at first seem like the hardest competitor with the best chances, but would actually be killed very early in the expansion.
Bakool Ja Ja - Will seem like the main villain and will be the obvious bad guy, but by the end will have some sort of a face turn, and will help us defeat Koana, and will inherit Zoral Ja's role as head of Landsguard.
