When should you rush Sorcer's Shoes? #leaguecoach #leagueoflegends #challengercoach #leaguetips

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Really well explained. Sometimes it surprises me how many players still don't understand this system very well, but that's okay. Same system is in Predecessor, btw
I win games as tanks because of understanding this stuff and watching the opponents builds and reacting properly in Pred. But i haven't played in a patch or two so I don't know where the game is at right now


I think the editing is really good and the short is super informative but mistaking a core stat for another 3 times and editing in that mistake with on screen words make the short a fair bit hard to follow, hope this helps!


When I used to main LB many years ago I always rush sorc boots, people were upset how much damage I did with "no items" lol


Are you telling me that the Magic Penetration is always additional Ability Power when the target has no Magic Resistance? Then why do you not always just buy items with Magic Penetration when the amount of Magic Pen is either used as extra damage or as a way to even out the Magic resistance of the enemy target and therefore always useful, no matter if the target has Magic Resistance or not??


What about first items for ADC? I think there is a big variety of options and not always I know what to do


use to spam a buch of zyra sup
if i get first kill pre 6 and sorcs by 6 enemy adc is always dieing if they are lvl 5 and im 6


So I had this weird situation. I was playing Vex against Velkoz and like 6 minutes in game I was 0/0/1 while Velk was 1/1/0 but I still had around 20 cs advantage on him. My first back had been dark seal and boots so on my second one I decided to go sorcs. Unfortunately, I didn't feel a shitty difference in damage after and before them (Vel had no mr) Could a reason be the lack of ap?


no you buy sorcs all the time because mr is a myth
