30 things i wish i had in place now before S.H.T.F.

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I hope this makes you all think of what you need. I also challenge 3 other channels to do the same thing make there list and share it.
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There's a certain anxiety that comes with wanting/needing more, because the prepping need for more never stops. One never has enough. It is imperative that each of us understands we can't do it all. Consider yourself way above the rest with what you do have and slowly acquire the things on your list but don't have anxiety over them. I had a mini breakdown (exasperated by PTSD) that I wasn't doing enough, fast enough. There was still so much else I needed. Then it finally clicked! I was preparing for EVERY SHTF scenario (economic-financial crash/nuclear fallout/ EMP/ biohazard-plagues/ Social upheaval /et al) and I had it all... but it wasn't enough. I needed more. Then came the gas masks, (not one but several for every member of my family) nightvision goggles, weapons of every shape and size.... the ability to make weapons of every shape and size if needed (that requires blacksmithing so I made a furnace), Geiger counters, dosimeters, sandbags up to 36" thick for half life radioactive isotopes) gold, silver, several thousand dollars ( in small bills and presidential dollar coins) foreign CD's in BRICS nations, surgery kits, it went on and on. I saw the defense and survival of my family as my sacred obligation but I was holding myself to a standard that I couldn't fulfill. We didn't take vacations anymore... or do fun things as the money needed was for more preps. I had lost my balance. While this may sound corny... (I often rolled my eyes at those who dared suggest it) I learned to put more of my faith in Jesus Christ. That he has always seen me through tough times and I need to trust in Him. Yes, I still prep. I pick things up on sale here and there. But I no longer angst over scenarios I have no control of. I walked away from a used marine ham radio for only $50 because I'd rather put that money towards purchasing my lady a Coach purse and enjoy the joy from making her happy. Take your time, be kind to others, and help your fellow man... and KNOW you and yours will be just fine. You're a good man.


Great list. Find a sawmill that would let you buy the ends or maybe they would give them to you. Your wood stock pile would grow rapidly. Don't forget to cover the wood pile. Divert the swale water to another pond. Buy fruit trees at the end of the season.


*List of 30 Things*

#1 More *Solar*
#2 More *Food*
#3 More *Water filters* for Berkley
#4 *Hand pump* for Water tank
#5 More *Boots / Sneakers* for all family members
#6 More winter & Summer *CLOTHING*
#7 More *People in group, to count on*
#8 More *People prepping, besides me*
#9 Enough *wood split for 3 yrs*
#10 *Root cellar* in place
#11 *Fortified Bunker in place*
#12 *Body Armor*
#13 More *Ammo*
#14 *Chickens/Goats/Rabbits* in place
#15 *Green house*
#16 More *Land*
#17 A *Hand Crank Grain Mill* (wheat into flour)
#18 More *Medical Supplies*
#19 A *Nite scope & nite vision binoculars*
#20 A *Ham Radio*
#21 More *Batteries for Solar system*
#22 More *Rechargeable batteries* (A, AA, AAA, B, C & D)
#23 *Pond* operating
#24 *Swell* behind house for spring runoff
#25 *Canning Jars & lids*
#26 A big *Faraday Cage*
#27 More *Fruit Trees* / orchard of 25 to 30
#28 More *Tools* (shovels/gardening tools/pick axes etc )
#29 *Extra Solar Supplies* (wire attachments )
#30 *Mind right* to get ready to do what i have to do, when the time comes.


All your suggestions are awesome! Wool blankets, socks, wool anything and down blankets, coats etc. Walkie talkies that go at least 8 miles. Things to barter. Alcohol, tobacco, tinctures that are medicinal. Thanks for helping all of us. Another RN


I like the idea of 3 years of wood, we are so year to year on that. We have added 2 new fruit trees ( 4 total)and 6 berry bushes (4 varieties) this spring. Our garden is bigger this year and I hope to do more canning this year as well. We have chickens, wish we had more and want to add Rabbits.

. Other items i wish I had list is :

1 More water storage
2 More Food
3 More Medical supplies
4 Green house
5. nails, screws
6. Misc hardware
7. Hoses & connectors
8. Crossbow
9. More fuel storage, Gas and Propane
10. More batteries for solar
11. Extra tarps
12. ATV
13. Aqua phonics setup
14. Rabbits
15. More Firewood
16. Pond
17. Good Guard Dog
18. More Fruit trees
19. More candles
20. Spare solar controller and inverter
21. Ham Radio
22. More rechargeable batteries
23. 2-3 Good hand saws
24. Better water filtration
25. More reloading supplies
26. Solar powered Freezer


A variety of sizes of Diva cups would be essential to stock for any female group/family members. Dealing with periods once there are no more sanitary pads and tampons will get very unpleasant without this alternative.


Having a list is a good way of keeping track of the things that need to be done, thanks for lighting a fire under me, I was slacking off and needed the wake up call!


Awesome you're sharing this... everyone needs to prioritize a list... most important get first!




Great video. I just sat down this past weekend and started making a similar list. Always good to take stock and expose your weaknesses before they bite you in the ass during a real emergency.


SHTF = Starvation Hits The Free. I recall this past winter and other winters when we had a blizzard when trucks could not deliver food to the stores. Just within two days even if you could drive to the store and if it was open you could not get much. I'm not a prepper but there is still a certain amount I stock pile because I know how quickly food supplies dwindle in the stores when food cannot be delivered. I also buy lentil, ministrone and split pea dried soup packs. I normally do not eat canned food, everything fresh and organic. But in a case when Starvation Hits The Free, it's good to stock canned food. It will keep you alive.


Great video. Inspirational, informative and well said. Cheers.


#31.. fire suppression equipment.. big thing i dont see on so many lists.. when depending on fire for cooking and heat putting a fire out is just as important as being able to start one..


What a great exercise, everyone could benefit from doing this. Then you can go down the list and check things off and set priorities for them as well. Thanks for the idea sir!


Your firewood plan is excellent. Firewood is a crucial item - right up there with water if you live in an area where the fall and winter months are really cold. Finding, cutting, splitting, transporting, and drying firewood are incredibly time-consuming endeavors. If you can lay up 3 years of firewood you will save yourself a tremendous number of hours which you can devote to other things. Plus, you won't have to worry about chain saw issues arising with no spare parts available. People without a wood stove and enough firewood to make it through at least one winter will be in a world of hurt if gas and electric suddenly become unavailable.


I feel so overwhelmed. Your list made sense. SO clear. SO right on target. I am a single senior living in a little rental mobile home- not the best place. I need to find a place to live that is more conducive to surviving. I think I would like to find a place where several people share the space. I just know I don't have a lot to offer. I can't grow squat. I do not hunt or fish and I definitely can not kill an animal. I am trying to figure out what I have to offer to make things better. I want to make it through a bad situation but I don't think I would be a long term survivalist. I am in central Illinois... I wonder if there is some kind of group around.


I keep up with most of your videos. I'll accept the challenge. I like Brian Coopers idea of making it the theme for my Sunday night live stream. I think I'll do it this Sunday from 8-9 p.m. Get the viewers involved and see if we can come up with some great ideas too. Thanks PN1.


Thank you for this. Subscribed before you were even half way through. Great list.


There's some good videos on well drilling and how to make a hand pump from pvc, marbles, small amount of steel pipe for the handle portion. I'd suggest you buy or rent a backhoe. Use it to dig your lake, slower than a dozer but easier to move the dirt a distance if you need to. Use it to build your berm and also to dig out for the bunker. Don'l know where you are but here along the texas coast firewood rots in two years no matter how well it's covered due to the insects and high humidity. If you're digging in soil you should be able to dig at least a quarter acre pond per week, perhaps more. I have six ponds with the largest being a one and a quarter acre and fourteen feet deep in the middle. The drawback is if you want to raise a lot of eating fish you'll need to pour fish food in daily and it will cost as much as buying the fish at the store as filets. But a well designed pond, mine has nest boxes for the catfish, will mean your fish will spawn yearly as mine do. I literally have hundreds of catfish more than I stocked a few years back. It might be cheaper and more appealing to build a home that's reinforced concrete block or just concrete with a metal roof as a secure area instead of the underground bunker. Besides if you shoot a few looters you'll have food for your dogs. Hiding in a hole in the ground does not appeal to me. I'd sooner hide out in the woods if I couldn't defend my home.


Great video! I have a list going and I had about 17. So you gave me more ideas I haven’t thought of yet. Thanks
