Voruna: The Stalking Predator Build (Warframe)

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A build for Voruna that utilizes her Ulfrun's Endurance augment mod to sustain her fatal lunges indefinitely, lunging from the shadows to strike her enemies with deadly slash attacks then return to darkness to hunt her next victim.

Very fun and is largely self sustaining ability only nuking gameplay. Her main problem is nullification which will require you to restart the entire cycle of casting empowered, then using hardened wellspring to gain the huge power strength boost. Casting empowered will break you out of her invisibility so its best done when NOT surrounded by enemies lol.

You can also jump off a cliff once molt augmented is fully stacked to lock in that increase in power strength before starting the cycle again, or if violence force disables her powers.

0:00 Build
0:36 The Setup
0:51 Simulacrum Gameplay
1:20 Melee Is Good Too
1:32 Steel Path Gameplay
2:29 Video End
The Dark Side Has Muffins (°∀°) Warframe Profile: superbot34
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Like i showed in the video you absolutely can use melee weapons to spread deadly procs as well, but at the cost of having to recast your 1 after every single attack. Why not just stay in her 4 forever instead?

I disliked voruna before this augment was added because if i wanted to nuke i could just use frames that ignore damage or stay invisible forever with no downside, so the gameplay of constantly recasting her first ability to do a single attack was just annoying to me, it wasn't fun. This build however, is very fun.


I'm glad that someone found playing Voruna with this augment fun too. Wolf mummy supremacy!


She is very cool, good to see ya warming up to her 👌


Her nuke with 4 is very unrelliable since its dependant on slash on 2 to spread her 4 slash proc aoe, so I think you can tinker that build to use Mecha set to more reliably nuke with her.


I'm glad the Mufin Man discovered how good Voruna can be. I like to use a combination of Arcane Blessing, equilibrium, and Health Conversion to give her some tankiness; the 4 and 2 are good sources to slash procs dropping a good amount of health orbs from what i've tested. This build has given me the idea to slap on some blue shards for energy, though, thanks!


well, this does look like a quit fun build for her 4, i just need to farm a new voruna and molt vigor, as my cuffrent forma layout doesnt work with this build. cant wait, to use it myself.


Pretty certain they reworked her 4 to count for her 3 to drop orbs a few months ago, makes her completely self sufficient


I just spam her 2 on max range, always different targets cause only the last proc matters


i've ran decent strength and duration build and my Voruna with her 4 deals 50+ million damage (yet still not enough to one shot eximus, tho they die after one tick)


I really like voruna but it's a shame that her 4th ability just doesn't work against certain enemies like the archons


Do you by chance know if Voruna can cast subsumed Dark Verse without having to deativate her 4?


I thought they changed her 4 to work with her 3 for health orbs a bit ago? Did they rescind that or is it just not reliable?


On an unrelated note i hate the soundtrack you used in this video so much and the addition of it is one of the big reasons why i don't like entrati labs after the Dante update
