UPSC Current Affairs in One Shot | 12 Hour Marathon for UPSC Prelims 2024 | TARGET UPSC |

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Current Affairs is extremely important for UPSC Prelims 2024. Cover complete current affairs today for the year 2024 with this 12 hour marathon video by Target UPSC, also relevant for UPSC 2025 along with their static linkages from standard booklist and sources for UPSC CSE, especially for those students who missed daily current affairs.

UPSC Current Affairs in One Shot | Current Affair Marathon for UPSC Prelims 2024 | Part - 2 :


Sankalp Mains Batch Student : AIR 369 : MOHAMMAD FARHAN SEH -

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➡️ 2-3 Questions for Daily Answer Writing with Model answers ( Self Evaluation )
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Target UPSC
Dr. Sudarshan Lodha (AIR-571)

The video covers detailed analysis of The Hindu editorials, Indian express, PIB, Down to Earth and other current affairs magazines of last one year.

Important Instruction
- Start Early and Complete .
- Watch the Video 2-3 times for max benefit.
- Follow Notes and Video Simultaneously.
- Current and Static Linkages will help you in tackling Questions.

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Support our Hard Work : If we have 15k like for this video we will upload Part 2!!
Important Instruction for 12 hrs Marathon Video
- Start Early !! Don't Wait till end to Complete it
- Watch the Video 2-3 times for max benefit.
- Follow Notes and Video Simultaneously.
- Current and Static Linkages will help you in tackling Questions.


Start 2:10
Part2- 41:00
Part-3- 1:21:00 Endemic species and codex alimentarus
Part-4 2:12:00 Manipur violence, Zero FIR and ED, CBI, Writs
Part-5- 2:52:00 SEBI, Investor protection fundst+1, t+0, Capital Market, depositories, SrGB, Green bonds,
Part 6- 3:30:00 SEBI, issues, Section 16 etc, ways to ameliorate, REITs.
Part7 - 4:00:00 Chess and Sports, khelo India NADA, WADA
Part8- 4:33:33- Groundwater Reserves, virtual water trade, atal bhujal, cgwa, Sugarcane, FRP and other issues
Part 9- 5:05:47 : Parliament and session hours
Part 10- 5:37:00 LRS and Remittances, TCS TDS. Migration outlook and finmin report
Part 11- 5:59:45 CMS-COP14 Samarkand, GIB, mammals initiative, light pollution, Falcon,
Part -12: 6:27:50 Thawing of arctic Ice, batagaika crater,
Part-13- 6:42:34 Sulina, distributary, danube, European rivers and sinks, RMD Canal,
Part-14 6:53:43 North Sea Drilling l, strait of dover, brent crude and other benchmarks, opec, windfall tax.
Part15- 7:15:50 Central water commission, flood watch, nat water acad, ICED, DRIP scheme,
Part 16- 7:38:10 Gnapith Award, meghalaya Garo lng, moordevi award, sahitya akademi and Bharat Ratna, order of precedence, award committee, gallantary award, wartime and peactime, online cretors award, IG peace Prize.
Part 17- 8:27:00- ICCR festival of demo, nalanda university, vikramshila, Janpadas, Intl Day for demo- sept15, IPU
Part -18 08:50:43 Vigyaan puraskar, merged, shanti swaroop bhatnagar puraskar
Part 19 - 09:03:01- Rhino and rest
Part -20- 09:24:10 Mozambique, Haiti, Geography of the region, India Caricom, SIDS, Refugee crisis, Terai Arc landscape
Part 21- 9:52:00 - Invasive alien species, IPBES reports, impacts and carrying capacity, kunming montreal 2022, cbd etc GISD, species survival comm. Mussels
Part 22- 10:18:20 Microplastics, plastic overshoot and earth overshoot day, glolitter, IMO, MARPOL,
Part 23- 10:39:50 Algal bloom, solar radiation mgmt, NCCR, Grey water footprints, and other types, BOD and COD,
Part 24- 10:58:30 Global stocktake report and breakthrough agenda report, Energy progress report, IRENA and IEA,
Part 25: 11:19:30 Census, caste census, SECC, Civil reg systems, NPR, NRC differences, livestock census, classical languages in India, world popn prospects, state of world popn, UNFP, mission parivaar vikas, NFHS!!!

Here, it ends.
Thank you so much sir❤
Hope you'll upload part 2 soon🎉


4:25:01 : NADA, World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA)
4:27:26 : Revision
4:33:56 : Sugar, Virtual Water Trade, Falkenmark Indicator/Water Stress Index, WRIs Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas.
4:41:20 : CGWB Assessment of GW Resources, Atal Bhujal Yojana+CGWB.
4:43:36 : NAQUIM
4:45:25 : CGWA, CGWB, Sugarcane, Ethanol Production (1st Gen Biofuel), FRP, Recovery Rate.
4:53:07 : SSI, Sugarcane Research Institute(Coimbatore)
4:55:01 : SAP(>FRP)
4:56:02 : 20% Ethanol-Blending
4:57:22 : PM JI-VAN(2G Bioethanol from residues), CHT
4:59:17 : Revision
5:07:50 : Rule 373, 374, 374A, 256
5:37:02 : LRS Scheme(FEMA 1999), Remittances.
5:45:02 : TCS(20%), TDS(income)
5:50:20 : Internationalisation of Rupee
6:00:15 : CMS COP14, Great Indian Bustard(CR)
6:18:25 : Small & Big Cats, Migratory Species
6:27:15 : Permafrost
6:54:50 : Offshore Drilling
7:03:32 : Brent Crude Oil, OPEC, Windfall Tax
7:15:50 : CWC, FloodWatch, ICED, DRIP Scheme.
7:38:40 : Awards, Languages, Order of Precedence.
8:01:01 : ADB, Rupee-dominated Bonds, Masala Bonds, FSB
8:27:15 : ICCR (Nalanda University)
8:45:15 : International Day of Demcracy(15 Sep), IPU.
8:51:10: Rashtriya Vigyan Puruskar
9:01:01 : Rationalisation of Science Awards, Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar, Award Categories.
9:03:01 : Rhinoceros.
9:24:06 : Mozambique, LNG Project, Haiti, Carribean Islands, India Caricom, SIDS.
9:37:04 : Sudan, Khartoum.
9:38:45 : WWF's Terai Arc Landscape, Sambhar, Bison, Chandaka W.S.
9:53:20 : Invasive Alien Species, IPBES.
10:18:15 : Microplastics, IMO, MARPOL.
10:39:45 : Algal Bloom, Solar Radiation Management, NCCR, BOD & COD.
10:58:28 : Global Stocktake Report, Energy Progress Reprt, IRENA and IEA.
11:19:30 : Census, SECC, NPR, NRC, Classical Languages of India, UNFP, NFHS.


a) 3:30 ICAO (UN)
b) 9:11 Conventional fuels
c) 22:20 Org under MO Civil aviation
d) 47:55 Polymetallic nodules[ 50:05 CCZ Calrion Clippertone Zone]
e)01:11:55 Tirukkural + Revision
f) 01:44:15 Evil Quartet +01:46:30 +
g)01:53:00 All about Spices etc
h) 2:14:05 FIR ( 2:27:50 ECIR) 2:41:07
i) 2:52:08 SEBI 3:01:25 IPEF vs IEPFA
j) 3:11:10 T+Settlement 3:14:39
k) 3:19:33 SGB 3:24:00 SLR
L) 3:31:55 Regularity bodies


India wants 2nd part of this series sir🎉
Really commendable efforts by you sir


7:32:07 please mark pong dam is in himachal not Punjab …i live near dam that’s why I know ..and ujh dam is in jk not Punjab ….Punjab major dams are Bhakhra nangal dam and ropar dam on Sutlej, thien dam aka ranjit sagar dam on Ravi…thanku😊


2:00 : Civil Aviation, Aviation Carbon Footprint.
3:40 : ICAO, CORSIA(2020 levels), LTAG(by 2050).
6:39 : Carbon offsetting
8:05 : Sustainable Aviation Fuel
9:55 : Conventional Fuels - Jet Fuel, Avgas 100 LL (Aviation Gasoline)
11:18 : Emerging Avation Fuels like Biofuel, CNG, LNG, Liquid Hydrogen etc
19:00 : ATF, Petrol, Distillation of Crude Oil.
21:00 : Windfall Tax
21:40 : Organisations under Civil Aviation Ministry - DGCA, BCAS, AAIB, AERA(Major Airports where passenger traffic > 35 Lakh/year), AAI.
27:34 : Revision
28:35 : MCQ
40:18 : Deep-Sea Mining(below 200 m as per IUCN), 3 ways to do mining as per DSSC- Hydrothermal Vents, Abyssal Plain(70% of ocean floor), Seamount.
45:44 : ISBA, UNCLOS(1994)
47:33 : Polymetallic Nodules (Manganese Nodules), Clarion Clipperton Zone/CCZ (Eastern Pacific Ocean)
51:30 : 3 institutions of UNCLOS
55:03 : Revision
55:39 : Deep Ocean Mission (2021-26) under MoES
58:20 : NIOT(Chennai)
1:01:55 : Impact of DSM
1:06:22 : Nauru Island, 3rd FIPIC Summit in Papua New Guinea (14 PICs - "Large Ocean States" as said by PM), 12-point initiative
1:09:33 : Janaushadhi Kendra (PMBJP) under MoC&F
1:10:32 : AMRIT (MoHFW)
1:11:47 : Thirukkural by Valluvar (3rd Sangam of Tamil Literature)
1:13:14 : Revision
1:16:44 : Endemic Birds, ZSI - "75 Endemic Birds of India"
1:18:03 : CR & Endemic - Himalayan Quail(UK), Jerdon's Courser (Scrub Forests of Eastern Ghats - Andhra Pradesh), Bugun Liocichla (Arunachal P-Eaglenest WS, Temperate Forests)
1:19:57 : 664 faunal animal species (ZSI-ANIMAL DISCOVERIES 2022):467 New Species + 197 New Record (found first time)
1:21:49 : 2 mammals from Meghalaya : long-fingered bat and bamboo-dwelling bat.
1:22:29 : Sela macaque (Sela Pass, Tawang, Arun Pradesh)
1:23:20 : NZC(BDA, 2002), Sela Lake(R.Nuranang, tri of R.Tawang)
1:25:19 : BRO'S Proj Vartak (Sela+Nechiphu Pass of A.P.)
1:25:50 : Lion-tailed Macaque(E)
1:26:50 : Plant Discoveries(BSI)
1:29:11 : Revision
1:31:15 : FSI, Dolphins(E Coast of Indian EEZ), MoFisheries.
1:33:10 : Risso's Dolphin(LC)
1:33:36 : Types of Dolphins
1:34:08 : MCQ
1:39:25 : Biodiversity Loss
1:40:40 : WWF's "LIVING PLANET REPORT" (69% loss)
1:42:12 : CSE's "State of India's Environment"
1:43:30 : IPBES, Natural Causes
1:44:09 : Evil Quartet
1:45:20 : Invasive Alien Species
1:45:52 : Bramble Cay Melomys (first extinct due to Climate Change)
1:50:10 : 7th CCSCH, Codex Std.
1:51:31: Spice(non-leafy) vs Herbs(leafy)
1:52:20 : Spice Board, Kochi
1:53:15 : India Largest Prosucer- Turmeric, Fenugreek, Coriander, Ginger, Fennel Seed.
1:54:10 : 14th World Spice Congress, Mumbai.
1:54:55 : CAC at Rome, Italy (FAO+WHO)
1:57:07 : Spice Board of India(MoComm), Flavourit.
1:57:55 : All Boards of India


Such a great content
It's very helpful in prelims
Please make a 2nd Marathon sir ❤


It’s disheartening that the video has more than 1.14 lakh views, but not even 14k likes. Sorry brothers and sisters if you think that your likes will benefit him with crores and there will be money rain on sir. Your like gives him motivation and gives us many amazing lectures like this. I am completely unknown to sir……this is not promotion.


What an excellent lecture sir very very informative now I came to know how to study newspapers and what to study in newspapers


Thanku so much sir.. please make part 2 as soon as possible 😊


A pdf would be really helpful for revision. Please sir


Thank you so much sir for helping poor person I’m learning daily ❤


Wonderful class dear sir clear current affairs so good 👍 thank always dear sir nice


4:45:15 Central Ground water Authority constituted under Environment Protection Act 1986 not 1996.


Thank u sir ❤guys plz hit the like button, they're genuinely working hard for us! We need part 2 too


One small correction at 1:58:11 -Kerala accounts for about 61% of India's coconut production and is also the major coir & coir products producing state. Indian coir industry is an important cottage industry contributing significantly to the economy of the major coconut growing States and Union Territories, i.e., Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, Orissa, Assam, Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Pondicherry, etc.


Sir you are unique in this coaching era, concept, to the point discussion, static linkeages etc only one thing❤❤


thanks sir for this video ....plzz cover IR current affairs for prelims 2024 also ...highly needed


Your way of teaching is just awesome but the problem is i am a hindi medium aspirant so i am unable to understand every words ... can you please make a videos in bilingual both hindi in English so that hindi medium aspirant may also get benefits of this wonderful class..❤😊
