The Plan To Protect Earth Against Asteroids (Or Lack Thereof)

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Episode 2 of 5

Between 2000 and 2013, 26 explosions in Earth’s atmosphere the size of nuclear bombs were caused by asteroids. That's 3 to 10 times more common than previously thought.

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Asteroid Fast Facts:

“Every day, Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles. About once a year, an automobile-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creates an impressive fireball, and burns up before reaching the surface."

Here’s How Often Small Asteroids Enter Earth’s Atmosphere!:

“NASA’s Near Earth Object (NEO) Program released this new map on November 14, 2014. It shows what more and more people are beginning to realize: that small asteroids enter Earth’s atmosphere frequently."

Russian Meteor’s Air Blast Was One For The Record Books:

“The February meteor blast over central Russia glowed 30 times brighter than the sun, sunburned observers, and delivered the biggest astronomical punch felt on Earth in a century, report scientists."

Scientists Reveal The Full Power Of The Chelyabinsk Meteor Explosion:

“Scientists have published the most complete picture yet of the devastation caused by the meteor that exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia this year."

Powerful Asteroids Strike Earth With Surprising Frequency (Video):

“Since the start of the 21st century, dozens of incoming asteroids have slammed into Earth, some of them packing far more energy than a city-destroying atomic bomb, a new animation illustrates."

World’s Largest Asteroid Crater Unearthed In Australia:

“Scientists have discovered evidence of a 250-mile wide crater in central Australia they believe was created by a colossal asteroid hundreds of millions of years ago."

Why Can’t We Prevent An Asteroid Strike?:

“When a meteor streaked over Russia last month and exploded in the sky above Chelyabinsk, shattering windows and injuring nearly 1,500 people, it was a reminder that the Earth moves blithely through a curtain of speeding asteroids, some of which occasionally pay a visit."

NASA Maps Dangerous Asteroids That May Threaten Earth:

“If you've seen films like "Armageddon," you know the potential threat asteroids can be for Earth. To meet that threat, NASA has built a map like no other: a plot of every dangerous asteroid that could potentially endanger our planet … at least the ones we know about."

Gravity-Powered Asteroid Tractor Proposed To Thwart Impact:

“An asteroid the size of two football fields could wipe out a large city or set off a series of tsunamis across the world. The threat of such an Earth-smashing asteroid has lead scientists to dream up several methods of defending the planet against such a catastrophe."

What Are Laser Bees?:

“This technique involves many small spacecraft -- each carrying a laser -- swarming around a near-Earth asteroid. The spacecraft could precisely focus their powerful lasers pumped by sunlight onto a tiny spot on the asteroid, vaporizing the rock and metal, and creating a jet plume of super-heated gases and debris."

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Рекомендации по теме

Tax the asteroids, that'll keep them away.


Capture it, take it to a black site, and interrogate it for information on other asteroids.


How to prevent a meteor from impacting earth:

Step 1: call superman
Step 2: wait
Step 3: ???
Step 4: enjoy.


Make a gigantic net made of spider web, fly it out between two space crafts, hold the net infront of the asteroid and capture it that way! BOOM! Saved the Earth AND captured an asteroid! I would like my medals in gold and my 5 billion dollars in cash, other than that, no need to thank me :D


We need to figure out how to invent a force field.


Space apparently hates Russia.  Maybe it's some kind of response for Sputnik.


Elon Musk will save us!

No, seriously...


I just keep hearing "Ass-Droids" XD "The founding director of the ass-droid deflection research center, at iowa state, has a plan that involves sending a spacecraft called the hypervelocity ass-droid intercep vehicle, toward a dangerous ass-droid. The vehicle would then send an impactor that would the hit the ass-droid and make a crater..."


I love your videos. All your videos are very interesting as well as informative. I don't follow anyone else, but I look forward to your video every day. Keep up the good work !


All these choices hurt the asteroids tho. We need a way to escort the asteroids out humanely. They are just confused, and scared.


Its just a matter of time before we get hit with an extiction level asteroid.


hey Trace, why don't you put clips or images into your videos? Like in a corner or something! We would be able to get even more information out of your videos which are already very informative. :)


6:43 What was that movie? I don't actually understand what he said.


"Build the Enterprise", like the guy at that website wants, then go out, intercept it, and tow it off collision course.


the only way nukes should, is for protecting earth from objects in space


we better cum up with a plan soon, bruce willis won't be here forever.


"No worries." We have no currently workable plan. We've cut funding. We find most city killing sized asteroids a day away.

Don't worry, be happy.


"Rogue asteroids" are actually weapoins flung out way by the Arachnids, from Klendatu.


Can you explain to us what the mysterious sounds from the sky all over the world are !?


I have a question. What would happen if an asteroid, meteor, whatever were to impact the Earth over Australia? Would the lack of ozone change the amount of exploding it does in the upper atmosphere? You know, as compared to Russia?
