Is Dr. Joe Dispenza a cult leader? * Stories with a question mark * UniqueTV

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Michelle Phan a YouTuber who attended Joe Dispenza meditation retreat and shared her experience in this video
Was accused in the comments by many of her followers of being victim of a cult and that Dr. Joe dispenza is a cult leader.
In this video I tell my personal story and answer the question.

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He is not a cult leader, but people are very appreciative of him because of how beneficial his teachings are.


I think the meditations have helped me to be a better person and to live a happier life. I did go to one of his retreats. It was amazing!! I initially wondered, because of the wild enthusiasm of the group, is this a cult? But it soon became clear that he is just an amazing man who is dedicated to helping his fellow man by sharing what he has learned and experienced. He puts a lot of the money he earns into funding research on healing and studying the physiological effects of meditation.


Reasons for Dr Joe’s huge followings is because of their results and also his scientific approach which explains it all.


He dedicated his life to this work and helps so many people around world ! This is definitely NOT A CULT ! Even those words are offensive … he should have a Medal for what he does for this universe 🙏


"The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members" : "I started telling everyone I know"
You CAN do it all for free... but there's the option of paying ( a lot, 2000 dollars a lot) for a retreat....which is, you know....better.
"...It's like any religion...." Yep. Religions get you to follow a God and give them all your money.
You CAN socialize with anyone, but end up spending more and more time with fellow followers.
You CAN have lots of spare time, but you can also meditate "up to three times" a day.
Of course she's not in a cult!


People have had numerous physical and emotional healings resulting from Dr Joe’s meditations.


Dr. Joe is quite clearly a Divine gift to humanity! If everyone would start doing this inner work and LEARN the truth about our biology/physiology/ biofield, etc. and implement the knowledge developing heart coherence....we would all be living heaven on earth.


the only questionable thing i have about joe is he does not show pictures of him when he was injured or recuperating. i have not seen pictures.


Thank you for making this video! I was curious about the Michelle Phan situation and wanted more of an insight on Dispenza without playing into "gossip" content. It's also so important that you have first-hand experience! Very interesting. I'm also very glad meditating has been helping you!


I've been to long week retreats twice and I love it. The tickets are sold out within minutes. When I got there to pick up my name badge I saw people from all over the world flew there hoping they can get in unfortunately you can't the sitting is very limited.
People who think this is a cult is ridiculous, they actually advise you to practice at home there are bunch of free videos on YouTube. If you are thinking about studying his work go for it you don't need to spend any money just start you won't regret it.


What is the definition of a cult?And then check in with what he said, says and compare it. And if your answer is yes, then it is ur answer.


People just get amazing results and want others to feel the same way. I healed myself of many ailments I’ve had for over 20years. I was unsure if all of it until I went to an event and saw people getting up out of wheelchairs. I had to see it to believe it. Once I was healed after nothing modern medicine could do to help me, I was hooked.
People are unsure if this because it’s weird and different, and goes against the norm of what we’ve been taught. He also takes no credit for what he’s doing. He says he’s just giving us knowledge, we have to use it. We are the ones personally transforming ourselves. Just like you did, you did it at home and noticed differences.


It's amazing how many people can be brainwashed into thinking Dispenza's grift is helpful. All he's done is taken jargon from a little bit of quantum mechanics and twisted into nonsense mediation. Go study someone authentic like Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm for a real understanding of quantum physics and philosophy of life.


More people need to see this video. It was annoying reading all the comments on YouTube videos about MP being in a cult. These people clearly don’t know anything about Joe Dispenza. Yes, it seems incredibly shady that there was this healing story from MP that sounds like a set up. I will admit that. But I have never seen anything off or any red flag behavior with anything else with JD. Wish people would do their due diligence before believing all these YouTubers.


I don't think he's a cult leader or established a cult but his followers certainly act like cult members. It's not his fault. It's just the nature of people because they're grateful and he helped them. There are people who weren't cured with the meditations too but you don't hear about them. It's the followers who are ugly and defensive if you say anything they don't like but it's not him. His followers get really upset when people point out he's teaching ancient yogic practices from India.


This is an amazing. beautiful community doing life changing work that empowers each individual to transform their own consciousness and life.


Thank you so much for this. Found it very helpful. Have subscribed, also i love your accent!


That's so cool 😎🥰
Loved that topic n c u talkin in English 👏✨😌


I have a good friend caught up in similar group that is active in other countries. My friend is addicted and spent over $20k yet convinced that her health, relationships and financial status are dependant on this. She has no ability to question anything negative related to the organization. The teacher could be indicted and convicted for murder but she would never know because she has been hypnotized and under demonic influences.


Michelle P is going down, so she needs attention no matter if is good or bad..shame on her for this!!
