Is Dr. Joe Dispenza a cult leader? * Stories with a question mark * UniqueTV

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Michelle Phan a YouTuber who attended Joe Dispenza meditation retreat and shared her experience in this video
Was accused in the comments by many of her followers of being victim of a cult and that Dr. Joe dispenza is a cult leader.
In this video I tell my personal story and answer the question.
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Music : YouTube audio library
Was accused in the comments by many of her followers of being victim of a cult and that Dr. Joe dispenza is a cult leader.
In this video I tell my personal story and answer the question.
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يمكنك المساهمة بدعم مادى مرة واحدة أو اشتراك شهرى
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يمكنك زيارة متجرى وشراء منتجات وخدمات لحياة أكثر وعياً وهدوءاً
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Theresa Khalil - تريزة خليل
Music : YouTube audio library