Professional Baker Teaches You How To Make CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!

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Chef Anna Olson teaches you how to make the best chocolate chip cookies you've ever had!


½ cup (115 g) unsalted butter, at room temperature
½ cup (100 g) packed light brown sugar
½ cup (100 g) granulated sugar
1 large egg, at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 ¼ cup (185 g) all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp (7.5 g) cornstarch
½ tsp (2.5 g) baking soda
½ tsp (2.5 g) salt
1 ½ cup (262 g) chocolate chips
1 cup (100 g) lightly toasted, coarsely chopped pecans (optional)


1. Cream the butter with the brown sugar and granulated sugar together well. Beat in the egg and the vanilla.

2. In a separate bowl, sift the flour with the cornstarch, baking soda and salt. Add this to the butter mixture and stir until blended. Stir in the chocolate chips and pecans (if using).

3. Using a small ice cream scoop or a tablespoon, scoop spoonfuls of dough (about 2 Tbsp) shape them into a ball and place onto a parchment lined baking tray or a plate. Chill the scooped cookies for at least an hour, or once chilled, the cookies can be frozen for baking later.

4. Preheat the oven to 325ºF (162 C). Arrange the chilled scooped cookies onto parchment-lined baking trays, leaving 3 inches between the cookies. Bake for 15-18 minutes, until browned around the edges. Cool the cookies on the baking tray. If baking cookie dough that has been frozen, arrange the frozen cookies on the baking tray and let them thaw for 20 minutes at room temperature before baking as above.

Let cool slightly and enjoy.

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Hi everyone! Our channel will be changing and growing in the coming months, and we want to know what kind of content you want to see! More vegan and vegetarian options? Traditional holiday recipes or more adventurous recipes that will suprise your relatives at Christmas dinner? Let us know!


For all my fellow Europeans/ non-Americans, here is the metric measurements: 113g Butter
100g Brown sugar
100g white granulated sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon corn flour
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
190g chocolate chips
130g chopped, toasted pecans
Preheat oven to 160 C and bake for 15-18 minutes [Edit: Just Made them and can confirm they are soooo good]


Her baking oven is a paradise for all chefs


I loved the way she just stare at the camera while adding more chocolate. That's such a mood.


Hi Anna,
Thank you so much for this recipe. My grandson loves chocolate chips cookies but I have never been able to master them. He is graduating from university next week and we found out yesterday that he received an award for the highest grade in the Political Science Department. We are so proud of him. I made your cookies today for Alekzander as he will be visiting us this afternoon.
Julianne (a very proud Nanna)


why has noone mentioned how epic her kitchen is ??? she opens a draw with sugar urmmmm * mind blownn


Can we just take a minute, and see how lovely her kitchen is! I so wish to have a kitchen like that one day.


I tried this recipe and ended up with the best cookies ever. Just perfect crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside. Instead of chocolate chips, I used chocolate chunks of a 55% dark chocolate. Also, I have noticed that the cookies produce better shape if you freeze the dough balls overnight. Love love love how this recipe is so simple.


I love this recipe. If you freeze the dough balls you can bake from frozen by adding 3 minutes to baking time.


I'm sorry but I measure my chocolate chips by my heart


Since many of you asked, the video description now has the recipe ingredients and cooking instructions. Enjoy!


This is the kind of teacher I want for my Baking Class. Not intimidating and fun to watch.


I made this cookies and it turned out AMAAZINGG! itss soft and chewy, but i personally prefer to reduced the sugar, so i use 150gr instead of 200gr, so 75gr white sugar + 75gr brown sugar, i think its a perfect amount of sweetness!


I usually don't like when people talk a lot in cooking videos but I really enjoyed this one, very well explained and she seems friendly. Definitely gonna try this recipe!


115 gram

سكر بني فاتح نص كوب
100 gram

سكر ابيض نص كوب
100 gram

بيضة واحدة

ملعقة شاي فانيلا

طحين ابيض متعدد الاستخدامات كوب وربع
185 gram

نشأ الذرة ملعقة شاي واحدة
7.5 gram

بيكنج صودا نصف ملعقة شاي
2.5 gram

ملح نصف ملعقة شاي
2.5 gram

شوكولاته كوب ونصف
262 gram

أولاً تخلط الزبدة مع السكر البني والابيض الى ان تتجانس وينتج لنا السائل الكريمي.

ثانياً حين وصول الخليط لمرحلة السائل الكريمي نضيف بيضة بدرجة حرارة الغرفة.

ثالثاً نضيف ملعقة شاي فانيلا واحدة.

رابعاً نضيف الطحين الابيض وبيكينق صودا والملح وتخلط.

خامساً تقسم الكميه على 24 كره متساوية الحجم.

سادساً توضع في الثلاجة لمدة ساعة.

سابعاً تؤخذ الكمية المطلوب تحضيرها وخبزها في صينية ويحسب حساب مسافة 5 سم بين كل كره واخرى.

ثامناً توضع في الفرن على درجة حرارة 325 فهرينهايت لمدة من 15 الى 18 دقيقة.


I love how she measures the chocolate chips and then keeps adding in handfuls... That's the perfect way to add chocolate chips 😋


Been searching far and wide for a chocolate chip cookie recipe and SO GLAD I finally found the one! Made it exactly as instructed and it came out perfect!


i know its annoying when people make videos talking too much but its nice to see somebody who do things and actually explain what she is doing, and what's the importance of every ingredients and ways of making. keep going with the good work :)


I made these and they were by far the best cookies I’ve ever made. Thanks to you I am now ready for any emergency cookie situation!


When you’ve seen 10 “the best chocolate chips you’ll ever eat” videos and now am very confused
