NEXRAD Weather Control and Accidental Geoengineering

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About Jim Lee "The ClimateViewer Guy"





Love YOU, mean it.
Thank God you're on OUR side because you are a Genius researcher, web designer, journalist who could be using his talents for the wrong side.
Thank You for Enlightening all of us.
Love you, mean it.
Unbelievable the levels of which they are screwing with and manipulating our atmosphere. How dare they.


You are awesome Jim! Praying for your healing👍💕


Jim you are a true leader. I thank you for all the knowledge you have given us.without you we truly would be in the dark. Again i thank you for your dedication and your major contribution to the community of concerned people.without your information i would still be in the dark.


I think it's worth mentioning that on the morning of 9/11, there was a hurricane looming right off to the east of NY that not one newscaster mentioned. Almost as if they were told it would be taken care as it steered east and never interfered with what was going on in NYC that day. Is there some way to go back and see if any beams or tech was used that day?


when i was a kid in 60-70's we were alway told "don't mess with mother nature" and "you can't fool mother nature". guess today's military was never told


but what about that time Dutch was predicting tornado's 2 and 3 days in advanced by only using nexrad beam crossings?


Most of my life I have been an RF Engineer specializing in communications. (RF means radio frequency, which in my case ran from the low kHz range up into the millimeter wave bands.)

I disagree with the explanation of the "pencil beam" or "searchlight" beam phenomenon. To get that high a directivity (narrow a beamwidth) would result in many sidelobes in the antenna pattern. But there are none visible in the Nexrad Surface Reflectivity plots. None as in zero.
Maybe I could help with what I call the "spokes of a wheel" phenomenon. I think is is actually a rotating beam just like the Nexrad images. The "spokes" are due to the image being sampled. The sampling is correct for the Nexrad radar images. So you see the entire plot. BTW, the Nexrad images in the satellite plot are the same as you see in the local radar images. This can be easily checked by viewing the web pages of the local Nexrad images. The "spokes of a wheel" images must be a high power microwave radiation source with a rotating beam that is not synchronous with the Nexrad radar rotating beams. I say high power because the radial magnitude is much greater than you see with the Nexrad radars.

Since I don't know the frequency range of the satellite receiver looking at these signals, I can't say anything about the frequency used for the "spokes of a wheel". Nexrad operates in the 2700 to 3000 MHz frequency band. My guess is that it is probably operating in the same radar frequency band or near there. Since the "spokes of a wheel" are not synchronous with the Nexrad Radars, this prevents most of the interference with the local Nexrad radar displays.

I have seen looking at the local San Diego, California Nexrad Radar plot, the "spokes of a wheel" radiation does appear somewhat above the ocean. So I think it is probably in or near the same Radar frequency band of 2700 to 3000 MHz, and the sampling is not good enough to totally avoid it appearing in the local Nexrad radar image.

However, it is much stronger in the Houston/Galveston area.

From the Weather Underground Local Houston/Galveston NEXRAD radar plot:
The "spokes of a wheel" beam shows up on the local HGX (Houston Galveston) Nexrad Station plot centered on the same location as the radar. So therefore the "spokes of a wheel" must be co-located at that site, or very close to it. Also note the Nexrad radar plot shows precipitation from the "spokes" not seen by the weather radar. I do not understand this. Although I do understand the Nexrad radars not showing anything beyond the normal range of the radar since they are obviously "range gated". That is they only look at echo returns from the transmitted pulse within a given time limit.

Hope this helps.

Bill Dumke, UW Madison MSEE


Dutchsinse provided map with squares. Immediately I remember google directions map app showed square white blocks, on my phone in Satellite. When looking in the directions of the white squares was 5G cell tower. This SHIT showed up the say after presidential alert. Please consider “the internet of things”. Thank you


The highest temps of the day, yesterday, were after dark and peaked between 9pm and midnite. Got up to 42*F. What's wrong with this picture? At 8, 000' in the Colorado Rockies, we are a point of experimentation. Thanks Jim.


Thanks bro we need to do another show soon


Hey Jim... is there any tutorials on how to use the climate viewer website? Its so massive... which is appreciated but for newbies, that I can point them to your site... THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!


Isn't it reasonable that NEXRAD is a part of the total system... lasers and microwaves from space over water and primarily NEXRAD after landfall ? The same metrics of inquiry apply to the other tools, ionospheric heaters, etc. Appreciate the rubric of always looking for conclusive proof (my own standard) but we can't look for and/or see a satellite or an ionospheric heater doing "X" any more conclusively than we can see NEXRAD doing "X". But we do see the storms and daily weather apparently reacting to NEXRAD signatures... especially when "unknown modes" are present ! But, if it's simply a matter of semantics then we all need to communicate more effectively, e.g. what do we mean by "steering" ? Lot's of specifics to address. The objection that Doppler doesn't have enough energy to move a storm is rendered moot when considering the very real possibility that it is potentially a giant array w/each station working in tandem w/ those nearby ? ... Evidence wise, I've looked at a couple of storms' NEXRAD sites' Level ll data nearest to both spacial and temporal tracks. There indeed does "appear" to be triangulation between sites (searchlight, unknown modes etc.) with undeniable reaction in the storms' tracks (turning, moisture fields moving, etc.) even when passing between the sites... as many as fifteen sites seem to be involved in storm's (one recent, one historical) initial land fall... is that conclusive proof that NEXRAD is steering ? Of course not, but it is incriminating and certainly NOT to be minimized. The whole issue is cloaked in plausible deniability, the data is obfuscated/filtered and hella lotta work in trying to piece it together.
(A conciliatory note to all activist-researchers: As I've recently commented (twice as of this a.m.) on Jim's "fake trees" vid, I can only hope that anyone reading this gets where I'm coming from... "attacking ideas and not people"...but, I really don't get the infighting among researchers... isn't our common objective to expose all this in order to STOP it ? ...we all have something to offer... NO ONE COMPLETELY SEES the actual big picture. We all have to cognizant of our own personal pitfalls that the psyops boys are compounding with their endless details and doubts... "The devil is in them there details." ...and the devil is the father of lies and discord. ..."Cooperation must replace competition." ~ Meher Baba.)


Thank you for all the information you relay in terms a layman like me can understand. If it wasn't for you I would have nothing concrete to show my family and friends. God Bless You!!


So happy I found you! Such great information! Thank you thank you... thank you 💜


*"Attack ideas' 🤝 'not People"*
I always thought that was a good motto, even though I don't think it was your creation, it *"FITS"*
The problem is Jim the deniers are just like the liberal-left, chock-full of good *"intentions"* but have absolutely *"no clue"* what they're doing.
But I subside.
Thanks again for all your diligence/ hard work and research, without which, I would still be in the dark.
So you and Dominic, keep up your good work.


Jim, I watched your interview a bit ago with Andrew Johnson of Check the Evidence. He recommended Dr. Judy Wood's book, Where did the Towers Go, since she covered Hurricane Erin. That would be an excellent example of controlling a hurricane and also basically keeping it from the public. A lot of your info mixes in perfectly with her evidence. Would love to hear you do a segment on her or interview her maybe?


I have so much video taken when "they" were trailing the 💩 out of us!!! Fast & Furious! OVERKILL! And you could watch it go directly towards the coast! Its so horrific here every single day, year after year after year. We NEVER have a day of no spray! Ever! As hard to believe as it may be but it most definitely gets worse from day to day... Somethings gotta give. 💔


Thank you Jim Lee : your work is awesome ~ Love always with Prayers for your full Healing <3


Hi.. Thanks. I've just discovered the 875 articles.. I was amazed.. Take care.. Keep safe.. Appreciate your hard work.. one day the Sheeple will awake - probably abruptly but...


Jim, relatively a new subscriber here. Was wondering what your views are on the President's order to start another arm of the military, the Space Force. Do you think it's to manage all of this weather modification? I'd love to hear what you think about this. Thanks. Keep up the good work!
