Rig veda Audiobook in English

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Unlock the profound wisdom of the Rig Veda, an ancient collection of sacred Vedic hymns, with our captivating English audiobook! Journey back in time to the origins of human spirituality and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Vedic literature that has endured for millennia.

The Rig Veda is considered one of the oldest texts known to humanity, a treasure trove of hymns and verses that offer insights into the spiritual and philosophical essence of life. Now, we bring this timeless heritage to you in a beautifully narrated English audiobook, carefully crafted to retain the essence and depth of the original texts.

🎧 Immerse Yourself in Vedic Wisdom: Let the mesmerizing verses of the Rig Veda take you on a transformative voyage of self-discovery and inner peace. Unravel the profound meanings hidden within the hymns, and explore the mysteries of the cosmos, nature, and the human existence.

#RigVeda #VedicWisdom #AncientTexts #EnglishAudiobook #SacredHymns #SpiritualEnlightenment

I’m a white guy from the United States who is interested in studying Hinduism. What should I read / listen to first, the Upanishads, the Vedas, or the Gita ? Thank you, and thank you for this upload.


I am also from usa...years ago I started studying all religions and ancient text...I found the upanishads was easiest to study first...but definitely study the Vedas....any order is really up to the person who is willing and open minded to study this beautiful ancient knowledge


The Rig Veda has 10, 552 mantras grouped into 1028 suktas or hymns each having roughly ten mantras.
The suktas are further grouped into 10 mandalas.
Rig veda has only Rik mantras which have a metrical structure. Of these 2456 mantras are in the well known Gayatri meter ( The popular Gayatri mantra is also in this meter).
As per Shri Aurobindo Ghosh, Rik is the mantra of divine consciousness.Its brings its light of revelation.
There are around 400 rishis in the rig veda of whom atleast 25 are women.
The Yajur Veda primarily consists of Yajus mantras which are rhythmic phrases not set to any particular meter ( Unlike Rig Veda)
The popular Taittiriya Samhita of Krishna Yajur Veda has around 4773 mantras, of which around 2/3 rd are yajus mantras ( rest are Riks)
The Yajur Veda deals with Yajna or rituals to appease devatas
The Sama Veda consists of Riks with the added dimension of music.
The Atharva veda has 5987 mantras grouped into 730 suktas and 20 Kandas ( Chapters)
Most of the mantras were revealed to the lineage of Rishis Atharva and Angirasa.
It contains knowledge of healing, construction (Vastu) and societal conduct amongst others


I, through life always asked myself, "why do people talk about God, can't God talk for thy self?
Then l realized as the Upanishads expressed, YOU need to see the SELF within everything and this speaks for it's SELF. The Self Existent within everything. The main embellishment of ALL creation is
When this is seen, ALL is adorned, there is no significance.


Amazing....this content is greatly appreciated.


they are beautiful...tthey were dropped in India way before the Bible ty you are giving was taught by The Suprem soul dropped them in India way for the Bible OM SHANTI


I knew that they would find it in my lifetime ❤❤❤❤❤❤ DWARKA


We have returned We are the 13th avatar and 10th of Vishnu Kalikalki we are one -namaste


I am a self-contained universe. I absolutely need nothing except oxygen to breathe every time I listen audiobook diamond Sutra it changes my perception of reality. It changes my mind. I become someone else and over 20 years, listening to Buddhism. I don’t think I’m human anymore.


Anyone have any additional veda/sanskrit audiobook recommendations in English?

Trying to learn :)


The Gita changed my life but I would start with the Upanishads


translating sanskrit text to english robs it off its soul reducing a masterpiece to a caricature drawn by toddler.


What should a man read for the origin creation stories of the hindus the vedas?


Can you tell who is the author written this book?


Im hindu and I want to explore the vedas literature but i keep seeing this movement against its translation, unfortunately i only know the English language so what should I do now? I have tried exploring sanskrit but its something i find difficult understanding, so what now? Shall i just become a Christian or muslim?


The intonations are different in Prakrit Sanskrit and Hindi. Can some one give all three pronounciation of the third Pandava and Dharma.
It will clear the confusion.
It will also be useful to understand the words which are used as metaphors.
It woud also help to know the evolution of the work after Vedas - like the Upanishads and the Bhrama Sutra - and then the multiple commentaries.


The Bhagavad Gita by R.C Zaehner.Oxford University Press


Why have you used AI to do the voice tts website


Bhagavad-gita As it Is!! A.C. Prabupada


The 4 Kriyas of meditation or RAJ VIDYAS was revealed to MANU and Satrupa ( the first 2 humans on earth) in the first age ( sat yuga age ) that it self is approx 2.5 million years. WE are in the 4 age ( Kaliyuga) each age is over 2 million yrs, so how can the Vedas be 5000 yrs ?
