This is like a super simple model. Other models are far more complex and this wont cut it unfortunately.
I'm having a bit of a bigger problem, the model is showing through it's self with the ".glb" Import, and with .FBX the bones are all massed-up. I'm still searching for a solution and I'm bound to run into it sooner or later.
YouTube is really weird they monetize useless channels. And de monetize channels who are helping others learn something.
With a city include a tons material and you still use this way ???
But what about the tie? I have this issue where there is more materials than textures. So when I’m done applying the right texture to the right materials, I still have missing textures like you do.
what a hazzle, isnt that the idea of just downloading a 3d model and just import it and done?!.... they seriously need to fix this..
Nobody talking about the cameraman form skobidi toilet? Ig y'all are not like 14.
As much as I like the style of the video, this is not even close to a solution for the problem.
thats f....n useless, fbx format should contaitn all textere and material data, reasigning manaulay all materials is pointless, now imagome having 300 each havaing a few materials
you keep making the same useless video, 1 year ago and now 4 months ago. we told you then this is not this fix.