Why I Take 10,000 IU of Vitamin D Supplements Daily!

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This is one of the best videos I've seen about this topic. My levels are at 32, and I don't believe that's high enough because I'm having pretty intense symptoms. Thank you for sharing.


I’ve been taking 5000-10, 000 iu D3 with K2 for 4 years since the C-pandemic and it completely cured my chronic bronchitis/mild asthma!


You're such an honest man, thanks ❤


Gonna give this a try, thank you for compiling this information and sharing your story.


Just got all my blood work back. Very helpful. Thank you.


same/....good video..than x for makeing video.


Hello from a fellow engineer (mechanical). I will have to check out some of your tech videos. I also enjoy researching and have been spending much of my research time lately on health.

Have you looked into Omega-3 levels? They also show positive benefits for autoimmune conditions. I'm two months into increasing my vitamin D intake and omega 3 intake based upon test results for each and my eczema is in remission.

I would be interested in seeing an update with your vitamin D levels and thyroid hormone levels plotted together. I'm glad you are improving as you learn and implement some changes.


Thank you this video has helped me immensely!!!


Thank you for the information and sharing your own experience, results and advice about your condition. It was very educational. 🙏🙏


Thank you so much for valuable information..expecting more vedios regarding hashimotos …


very informative, just want too know if you take the vitamin d, k2 and magnesium all at the same time


Very nice.... Appreciate your input.... I have always thought vitD was really good... Thank you...


I wish you would have posted what ended up happening with your thyroid antibody results. In a past video they had gone up, and you hypothesized that it was because you had reduced the amount of vitamin D you were taking. Let us hashimoto's people out there know! 🙂


Thank you for taking the time to make this video and write the series ☀️🙏🏼 this makes a lot of sense and has encouraged me. - I have been suffering from fatigue for a while. I just started taking vitamin D with K2 recommended from a brand recommended by a functional doctor. Question - you said you still had symptoms when your vit D was 34? Mine is 35 and I am so exhausted everyday. My previous doctors went by 30 rule so I thought I was good until now. I’m glad you found the help you needed and that you have recovered. Thanks for sharing your story. God bless 🙏🏼


This is really good! Seeing your timeline and the numbers really helpful. I recently started my d3 journey exactly like your story I’m lucky to discover all these information at the beginning and your videos also confirms all my understandings. One year ago my d3 level was 26 and my doctor said it is within the green zone, I couldn’t believe my body is losing its vitality due to my age (52), I did my own ‘nutritional fitness’ lab test with quest and my d3 is 23 and they said it has to be closer to 100 and I was already come to a conclusion that it has to be at least above 50. I’m taking 20k IUS of d3, over 300 mcg of magnesium glycinate and k2 over 300 mcg. I’m also taking whole bunch of other supplements recommended by Anthony William of Medical Medium, I’m going to do vitamin d3 test every month to see how it is improving… I’m already started seeing some improvement… my guess is that I will reach my d3 level to 65 in 3 months time based on my research and also looking at your numbers… thanks again! Btw, I purchased your course, thanks for putting it all together!


Hi bro, my low vitamin d causes me depression… can I still continue with antidepressants or I stop it and take vitamin d


Please tell us what’s your latest hasimoto report?


In winter sunbathing 1 hour daily in India ( hands and legs and full back and face )
I level is 25 n/l


A normal actual good level is at 250. 13 is dangerously low. You can take a one time dose on 50.000IU's and should feel better within 48 hours, I did and I was bedridden in depression. The 5000 a day. 1000 is too low. I have Graves disease (hyperthyroid) and have gone from bedridden to doing martial arts on 5000IUs a day and havent had any episodes since 2019 so I havent needed surgery.

We have these diseases in our genes but they're only activated if we are low in vitamin D.


hi man, . thx for doing this stuy case for us, im 20 ng right now trying to take it to at least 40, and im taking 4000ui a day, but im doing sun exposure for at least 30 min every day and in live in south america, what i wanted to ask you is did you expose yourself to the sun plus the suplment or you where only doing the supplements, coz i wanna do 10.000 a day but i dont knows if its going to be too much becouse of the sun exporsure
