My 8 year recovery journey with M.E/CFS

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I hope this video can help and inspire others suffering with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. If you have a friend or family member suffering then make sure to share this with them as it might just give them hope and help them out!

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Thank you James. I’ve had chronic fatigue for nearly 30 years and now trying more and more to get better. I’ve had dark times myself and got struck down at age 25. Love 💖 and hugs xxx


Hi James, I’m a year into this diagnosis now and still struggling a lot, so hearing your story is so motivating to know that I can get my life back one day!


I’m impressed about your humility in all this, about how you kept going and learn all that stuff! And very happy to see how good you’re living now. It is very inspiring indeed! Thank you 🙏🏻❤️


Thanks for talking about this. It’s very difficult with no support but people like you talking about it really does help.


Yes I have fibromyalgia and lots of other problems. Trying the prolon fasting mimicking diet next week. I find I still eat gluten and dairy because I enjoy them. On and off the band wagon. Now is time for big change. Well done honey xxx your not alone 💖💖💖 you have helped kick me up the bum. Thank you xxx


You feel like you’re dying and the doctors think it’s psychosomatic, so they just abandon you. This is the salt that’s rubbed on the wound.


Thanks for the upload and sharing your story.. I am very happy you are feeling better! I came down with something a little over 2 years ago and was dx with postural tachycardia syndrome.. which is often considered to be very close to cfs/ me.. I have more air hunger issues and shaky weakness with fatigue and ringing cotton head and stiffness in muscles. Been eating very well and although I have made some improvements, still quite ill with ups and downs. now my teen son is ill as well.. I will have to take a look at your blog.
I deeply appreciate your sharing and caring!

wishes for continued health and happiness for you!


Thank you James, your video is giving me hope, especially to hear how you went from being quite athletic and active to having this issue. This is like me, though not a pro, lol. I am stuck right recently off of work completely with no tests showing anything. I’ve pushed through thirty years of struggle and this time it is really getting the better of me. All the natural supplements and careful eating is helping. I just learned about brain inflammation...cytokines & primed Microglia by Jarred Younger....thought I would mention this in case it is helpful


Everyone recovers differently. For some, diet makes little difference. Although a healthy balanced diet is obviously a good idea.


Allergies to so many things. Would you be allergic to reishi mushrooms or Chaga mushrooms or cordyceps mushrooms?


Just came across your video, thank you for sharing and I'm so glad you have recovered so much. I have had ME for almost 10 years and I have heard of people recovering by improving their diet, but this has always felt out of reach for me because I don't have the energy to cook from scratch, don't have someone to cook for me, and most health diets involve lots of complex ingredients from wholefood stores (which I can't go to because leaving the house involves wheelchair and headphones and several days in bed to recover). So your story about making food with just 5 or 10 minutes of energy is very encouraging 😊. I usually avoid healthy eating blogs because they are often these super healthy energetic people with orange tans and huge muscles... very far from my reality... But you come across as really genuine and I relate to your story a lot. Sorry you had such a hard time with the illness at first- but well done for making so much progress. Thank you very much for sharing, I am going to check out your blog to see whether I could make any of the recipes. Wishing you all the best 😊


Hi James, I've been following you on instagram for a few months. Its great to see your food as i've been on a free diet for a few years now and would say i'm at a similar place to you recovery wise. Something I found really interesting about you is that you've managed to have a relationship throughout your illness. I'd love you to do a video about that. I know that theres no way i've felt well enough to be in a relationship and i still feel like no one would want me because of it. A video of your experience with this would be interesting.


Thank you for turning your situation into something so positive. I've noticed your delicious offerings on Facebook and I will try and get your book here in South Africa. Thank you so much xx Congratulations on the baby coming 😘


Congratulations on your recovery, and your business! Both are great achievements. Recovering from CFS is an amazing feat of persistence and strength, but with it comes having those tools and attributes that allow you to propel yourself forward in other areas that are slow to grow, such as business and entrepreneurship. Keep sharing your story and your message. You did a great job with the communication and presentation aspect of the video. My compliments again on your recovery journey, and I wish you increased vitality and success in the years ahead! Way to go!!


Wonderful I’m glad to hear you’re doing so much better and you’ve learned to cook. When you get married and have kids make sure your children know how to cook. Nourishing yourself is number one


thank you. I have fibromyalgia. Holistic cures like food work best. well done you. this will help me a lot and is very inspiring. well done you 😀


Hi from Germany 🌻🌟 I just discovered your side. I am very desperate and bedridden over 5 years now after a tick bite. I am very desperate and helpless at the moment. Do you also have had Lyme?


Hi James, I’m glad to see you’ve recovered, gives me hope! I’ve been ill with cfs for a year so far after glandular fever and I can honestly say it’s the closest thing to my version of hell that I could have ever imagined. Ive been considering a nutritionist, might go ahead with it soon


Are you able to exercise? I've come a long way but I still can't do anything that pushes my body


Well done mate! Best wishes from Australia.
