❌ Never say these words to a child if you do not want to hurt him…

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Never say these words to a child if you do not want to hurt him 👇
We often say something nervously, which can often affect our child's psyche. We have prepared a video with sentences you should never say to your child. You will hear 16 sentences that parents often use when speaking with children. And they shouldn't. These are words that hurt and can affect whole children’s lives. Never say these words to a child if you do not want to hurt him!

0:56 No! Because I say so!
1:21 I have no time. I'm busy.
1:39 Or someone will come and take you away. Or I’ll leave you here.
1:56 Do you hear what I'm saying to you? Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
2:19 Behave yourself. Don't embarrass me.
2:45 Don't make an issue out of it.
3:07 Stop crying, or I’ll give you something to cry about.
3:29 See what you've done?!
3:39 Wait till your father gets home.
4:00 You were very good today - can't you do that all the time?

The above examples list things that should not be said to children. To have a sense of security children should not listen to the words we mentioned before. There are also sentences that under no circumstances should be heard by any child. These words are very painful and harmful: “I don't love you any more”, “you're no good for this", "I don't think you'll ever learn", "you can't do it", “he already knows how to do it and you still don't", "it's your fault". These words leave a long-term effect on your child’s psyche, even though parents seem to forget them after a short while.


See also:

8 Things Parents Shouldn't Say to Their Child

How to get your baby to sleep without nursing? How to wean a baby from falling asleep at the breast❔👶

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