Food allergies are increasingly common. Here’s what you need to know about food allergies, including diagnosis and emergency treatment from Allergist, Kanao Otsu, MD.
I think many times what we call an allergie is actually a buildup of things that on a micro scale is needed or at least tolerated in the body but in larger amounts are toxic or deadly . I started having a reaction to eggs and onions after eating egg sandwiches every single day for years, and I became so sensitive that I almost died from not being able to breathe from a very small amount . But I did an elimination diet to figure it out and by not eating that for several years have become much less sensitive ! I think the culprit was a buildup of sulfur . I just wanted to let people know that there sensitivity, maybe reversable, by eliminating the rite foods !
Wow, You shared very good information. My uncle had suffered from this problem. He was total upset during this. He went to many hospitals. But the result was not good. Then, Someone told him about Institute of Applied Food Allergy (IAFA). He went to Institute of Applied Food Allergy (IAFA) & got his treatment started. Now he is fine. If you have this type of problem or any other type of health problem. You should go to Institute of Applied Food Allergy (IAFA).
OMG I went to the doctor today a to check my food allergy level and I got some excellent results
I’m alergic to milk nuts eggs and seafood
You can thank Monsanto for the explosion of food allergies and worldwide illnesses
I have the worst food allergies wich is chicken >:( and the doctor said it
I think I have milk and seafood allergic
How about if your body has a lot of allergies without the hard breathing part
I got alergic:( im in the hospital;( i lost my beauty mg hands are very itchy
When I drink Ice Tea I feel like hard breathing and my eyes and sometimes throat becomes Itchy, when I eat avocado just my throat becomes itchy and I have a strange pain on my tongue, is that allergy(it happens all the time when I drink IceTea or eat avocado)
The doctor who check about my conditions says that I'm suffering Skin vital Infection, then give me some medicine to take for only 3 days, he also says its just an allergies. but it's been a month I'm still suffering from it, red rashes on my body was being scattered. 😭
What's the medications to neutralize a chicken of the woods in the system of the body
The epinephrine should be taken from people who can have apophylaxis not every one who has an allergie reaction should take epinephrine is a full adrenaline
Very basic!... speak to IGg food allergies and how to turn them off MUCH harder!
I'm 36 yrs old and still have an allergy to Dairy products! I get a rash on my face!